Assimilate, Static Charge (Full Version)

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Xendran -> Assimilate, Static Charge (1/13/2013 22:24:33)

These "freebie" skills should be converted to skill cores and replaced with traditional EP cost skills, possibly with a similar effect.
Static Charge could be replaced with an initial cost skill that regenerates energy over the next few turns.
Assimilate can be replaced with an energy drainer that has a cost.

f4tal1tY -> RE: Assimilate, Static Charge (1/14/2013 5:58:01)

Hmmm I have an idea for assimilate! What about an energy drainer that looks like something a tech mage would use, (like a energy blast, lightning stuff like that :P), but it drains more mana than other mana drainers! HOWEVER, this blast can be deflected like a normal sidearm/auxiliary to still take mana, but less (50% like normal deflects).

RabbleFroth -> RE: Assimilate, Static Charge (3/5/2013 12:23:35)

They would fit well as generalized cores, wouldn't they?

Not a bad idea if we could find good, functionally-similar replacements for the skills (or just implement the replacements as cores, whichever makes the most sense).

Note: Rabble has been given the ok to bump this thread. Any more posts about necro-bumping it in this thread will be dealt with accordingly. ~Mecha

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Assimilate, Static Charge (3/5/2013 19:13:23)

This is a bad idea because they are blockable unlike bloodlust and reroute which do the same thing without needing ep to use them and giving more than is taken from staic and assimilate.

Mother1 -> RE: Assimilate, Static Charge (3/5/2013 19:38:35)

Not supported.

Assimalate is TM only energy draining move that can be used more then once and by removing it TM would be losing their energy draining move they can use more then once. As for Static I don't support this one either. Cyber hunter is suppose to be an energy class, and it would be kind of hard for it to be that without static now would it?

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Assimilate, Static Charge (3/6/2013 2:17:15)

^ Thats exactly why rabble says:

if we could find good, functionally-similar replacements for the skills

Read the whole text next time mother, if he will replace them, it will still be a energy move, thats why he said ''similar''

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