do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (Full Version)

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comicalbike -> do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/14/2013 11:58:51)

i do because i think the game will fail with them in as there will be no skill needed just luck what do you think.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/14/2013 12:03:11)

the problem with not having blocks and deflects is that EVERYONE will go to an OP str build that kills in 3 or fewer hits.

Mother1 -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/14/2013 12:06:35)

Oh sure give everyone the perfect reason to become a strength build since block and deflections hinder these build while helping all others. All we would see are strength BH and BM running around.

Vypie -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/14/2013 12:12:56)

It wont happen.

But if they did, there would be no STR build running around being overpowered like that. (always the same argument)

They would have to increase defense and resistance gain from Tech and Dexterity so they would stay an equally good defensive stat. And adjust other things if necessary.
(removing part of the game and then not balancing it isn't something the Devs would do...)

Stabilis -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/14/2013 12:14:13)

Sorry Comicalbiker, I think we need to balance Dexterity and Technology better by including a half-damage luck element on melee, and 0-damage luck element on ranged. So there would be a block + deflection on melee, and a block + deflection on ranged. Of course, these still require to proc' when they should, like no being deflected when you have more than 100 Technology.

comicalbike -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/14/2013 12:24:25)

the reason i said it was the strengh builds will go with fewer stats so may only be 4 focus builds and not enough for op builds

Giras Wolfe -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/16/2013 0:02:13)

Is this the real comicalbiker?

Because he would understand the game mechanics better than this.

Blocks and Deflections are a crucial part of the game's balance and logic. And if you know how to play right, it doesn't leave a lot to luck.

Sure, if your a strength build relying on the strike button of course you'll need luck to win, otherwise the luck factors can be controlled and weaponized effectively and fairly just like everything else in the game.

Xendran -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/16/2013 0:16:39)


Because he would understand the game mechanics better than this.

Not necessarily, amount of kills is related to time and only time.

Remorse -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/16/2013 2:02:05)

Not supported, for obvious reasons.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/16/2013 2:24:11)


do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega

I don't mind, as they never favored me much ...

Xendran -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/16/2013 2:27:24)

Single lucky blocks are less effective in omega due to the fact that battles are longer. Currently a block loses you 25-33% of your turns on average in 1v1, in omega it will only cost you 12.5-16.5% of your turns on average in 1v1.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/16/2013 17:47:24)

^In other words, now that battles will be longer luck factors will balance out and a single lucky occurrence won't sway a battle.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/16/2013 17:53:49)

^ Just as it was in beta.

willendorf -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/17/2013 23:19:44)

As much as I like and need loads of blocks when fighting people 5 levels higher than me and Juggers refucing their role in battle would be much appreciated

Giras Wolfe -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/17/2013 23:22:51)

As a player with 93 strength and 60 dex, I would LOVE for blocks to be nerfed. It would make winning waaay too easy for me.

CHELSEA ROX -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/19/2013 9:56:02)

They would luck factor, but what i think is:
1) further nerf for juggernaut as jugg tends to win when he blocks berzerker,chap shot,etc
2)berzerker builds would be OP
3)shadow arts would be useless
4)deadly aim would be very deadly as it would never deflect

Lycus -> RE: do you think the blocks and deflects should go in omega (1/19/2013 10:06:12)

I am afraid I am going to have to lock this up. Firstly, this is more a suggestion of getting rid of blocks and deflects, since you can discuss suggestions in the suggestion forum, it does belong there.

However every game needs to have a bit of luck factor. I have stated this before, if you go into every battle and see that someone has a better build than you, you almost certainly would know you'd lose if you had no blocks or deflects. This would mean people would go into battle, see they'd lose, and simply leave. It would mean SA would have to be replaced, as well as Tech and Dex becoming a lot less useful. Stuns would likely have to be removed, as well as Critical hits, since they both depend on luck as well. The game would become boring, matches would all be similar and predictable. Getting rid of the luck factor in its self would ruin the game. Almost every game out there has some type of luck involved, that is part of what makes games fun and unpredictable!

For that simple reason, we can simply try and make the rates slightly fairer possibly, however, removing them would not be a clever option! :)

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