RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 15:48:18)


I started playing OS because Nulgath said there'd be a balance between F2P and SG characters, but I'm not seeing that balance at the moment.

I don't recall Nulgath saying balance between legendaries.

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 15:51:04)

I'm fairly sure the term "character" can generally be taken to mean all characters. But seeing as you seem to have a problem with everything I say, I probably should have seen that coming xD

Basicball -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 15:51:53)

not between legendaries, but I did read about balance in free and payed things in general

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 15:52:11)

I don't have a problem with everything you say. There is a somewhat decent balance between F2P and P2P.

Dyablo -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:11:20)

Another fail not-worth-sg legendary...I more and I'll cry. ;_;

I had high expectations on this one.

Basicball -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:12:49)

Taurus may not be that good, but Minotaur is pretty neat. I'll still get him to 20

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:15:50)

I beleive Nulgath has gone on record saying that only a few Legendaries would be free and there would be a balence between Masters.

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:16:19)

@Megakyle Source?

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:19:50)

I probably can't find it and I'm too tired to look. But I seem to recall that somewhere. I may be wrong however.

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:21:07)

@Mega Eh, I trust you. :P

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:23:42)

Meh. Well, I'll be buying SG anyway at some point. That point is just a while away.

@Vagaran: Sorry if I got a bit (or more) snappy at you on that last post. I'm sick and tired and it's Monday and I'm really not myself today. I apologize.

Rilami -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:30:41)


Here's where he said that:


Apprentice to Veteran will always be Free to Play. Some Masters will be free and some will cost SG's. Legendary characters will be mostly SG's though some will be free on occasion.

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:32:17)

@Rilami Okay, thank you. :3

Cratess -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 16:56:31)

Noo, I just lost to the very first Earth Golem I saw :( Shouldnt have been using a level 4.

avavr -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:01:55)

which area of the labyrinth u find it in?!

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:04:30)

@Cratess: I lost to my first E. Golem too :/
@avavr: It's random. My first one was in a random hallway and the second one was in the TC room. Caught that one with a SG xD

BiasedBass -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:07:16)

Looks like earth golem will be my main earth for now seeing as Taurus isnt worth leveling. :l

Matgon -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:08:30)

That is why you don't have to buy every legendary that comes out, I'm glad I didn't spend any soul gems on this one, oh well atleast you guys can imrprove him when card customisation is out.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:08:41)

I have quite a few chars that I want to lvl up :/ Luckily I won't have much school next week.

MrITT -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:13:01)

Well, I will keep playing Taurus, he might not be as good as Minotaur, but if you ask me, he sure is fun to play.

I'm just gonna have to deal with his mediocre cards.

Cratess -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:28:31)

@avavr I found him in the TC room. But he appears randomly all throughout the labyrinth.

Lord of Pandemonium -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:39:32)

Sigh.... Looks like that's another legendary I won't bother to level up to get, now where are all those masters I stashed aside when I was farming for FC and Taurus [:(]

Basicball -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:57:44)

It's still worth it to level minotaur...
He's quite powerful, and if he's 20, you'll be ready to evolve him if they buff him

The Stranger -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 17:57:51)

THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE .... I STILL Have No Father Time !!!!! I'm going to explode or something ...

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/14/2013 18:02:44)

Anyone missing me? :D I've gone to a beach and no internet there. Suprising that I've travelled to home today and there is a dungeon! Yay.

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