Dragoon23 -> RE: Zombie Master Axe (1/16/2013 1:51:42)
[img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Guardian.png[/img] [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Rare.png[/img] Zombie Master Axe «Mastercraft Wind Melee Axe. Can grow stronger by absorbing monsters' souls. » Level: 145 Power Level: 148, Mastercraft Price: 14,364,599 Gold Sellback: 7,182,299 Gold Location: Frostval 2012: Gift Delivery! Element: Wind Type: Melee Damage: 21 - 42 BTH: 19 SPECIAL Hits: 7 Element: Wind Type: Magic Damage: 269.86% Base and Random each Stats: No normal stats; 153.86% Lucky Strike damage each BTH: +53 each Rate: 10% EFFECT -3 BTH on all normal player attacks with weapon (but not the weapon Special). Not Factored In. Soul Harvesting- It grows more powerful as you kill monsters and absorb their souls.
- You can only capture a monster's soul if its level is 135 or higher.*
- You have a [# of rounds that you had the axe equipped] / [total number of rounds in the battle] chance of capturing a soul. The [# of rounds that you had the axe equipped] increases at the end of your turn.
- If successful**, then you increase the [soul count] by the monster's power number (so normal monsters are +1; bosses are +2; etc. You can check a monster's power number in their Monster entries.).
- The bonus is +10% *[soul count]/25 damage. The maximum amount of souls you can capture is 25 with a maximum damage boost of +10%. This applies to all normal player attacks and weapon Specials.
- Click on the center of the axe's head ("Coffin" with the Red Jewel) to see how much charge you have. ***
- The [soul count] resets on login.
*This monster's soul was not strong enough for your axe. **Your axe has captured the monster's soul and will now deal +«Bonus Damage»% damage. ***Your axe has caught the equivalent of «Soul Count» soul, and deals +«Damage Bonus»% damage. DESCRIPTION This axe is haunted! And the more enemies you defeat the more haunted it becomes! [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Weapons/Zombie_Master_Axe.gif[/img] Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Pop Ups thanks to Storm. Basic Info thanks to Aurum KodEXo. Analysis Special starts out with 1889% Base, 1889% Rand, and 1077% Stats plus 53 BTH. With 7 equally powerful hits, each hit does 14.29% damage. All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.