roborapter1493 -> Brought to you by ED (1/16/2013 17:46:36)
Have you guys seen seen an EpicDuel refference or commercial of any kind?
Or did you run into a link/refference during a youtube video?
Discuss your EpicDuel encounters outside of the regular sites.
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I have seen some links on youtube, but unfortunately here in the Netherlands we dont have shops that sell the Artix Entertainment game cards or EpicDuel stuff.
ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Brought to you by ED (1/16/2013 17:50:44)
YouTube and once on TV if I remember correctly.
veneeria -> RE: Brought to you by ED (1/16/2013 19:14:59)
I found epicduel from a mention of some friend.
willendorf -> RE: Brought to you by ED (1/17/2013 23:21:39)
Found it from a friend too - the only ads I've ever seen for artic games not while not on an Artix site was a long time ago for AdventureQuest