The Incredible Hulk -> The Bank (1/17/2013 12:30:30)
I know you guys will think it is unnecessary to have this but I was thinking of an Idea on a bank. Suppose you say you brought varium. And next thing you know, you got hacked. The hacker will use up all your credits and varium, basically waste all of your varium and credits. If a bank was in this game, basically you store how much credits/varium you want to put in. Once this is put into the bank, you use a password to get into a bank, not your user's password A new password. Say my user was: And my pass was: Bob123 If i use the bank, i use a different passwords say its: 3578 (could be a 4 digit number bank maybe) If we have a bank and we stored our money, our money will not get stolen as its less likely for them to decrypt the password from the bank. Say if 'Bob' had 10,000 varium. He stored about 5,000 varium in the bank. The next following week, his account has gotten hacked. The 'Hacker' wasted 'Bob's' 5k varium but he didn't waste the other 5k varium from the bank because he didn't know the 4 digits. I think this would prevent people from losing ALL there credits/varium. I've scribbled out your mention of a specific user. Please do not make negative public accusations of what a certain user may or may not have done, as such usually results to flaming and unsavory discussion topics. Thanks! ~eVentus