A Look Back at Broken Promises. (Full Version)

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Nexus... -> A Look Back at Broken Promises. (1/19/2013 13:50:04)


EpicDuel is a PVP-focused massively multiplayer game that plays in your web browser. Create a custom character and engage your friends in strategic turn-based combat! With exciting updates released weekly, be sure to check out the EpicDuel Design Notes to learn about the latest developments!

Taken from the homepage.



7/2/2010 - Independence Day Release

Sorry for the confusion on the previous post, but Gamma will NOT be coming this weekend. We need a lot of time to plan, develop, and test a major release like that so we expect Gamma to come as soon as two weeks from now. Believe me, it will be BIG!!!

7/9/2010 - No release

I have some good news and bad new. The bad news is that Gamma will be delayed once again *groans*.

7/20/2010 - Performance update; no Gamma

After a hard-fought battle with the very program we use to play EpicDuel, FlashPlayer, we are happy to announce the release of Beta Evolution 1.0.9.d, (barring any unforeseen problems) the last patch before Gamma.

7/30/2010 - No Release

Development is nearly finished for EpicDuel Gamma! I just posted a third preview video that showcases the new Item Enhancements feature that we've discussed for soooo long now. The official release date and time has been set for Wednesday, August 4, 2010 at noon ET. We're scheduling this time so that players can watch these videos and have a final chance to take advantage of the Beta weapon offer.

Gamma is Released

There were a couple of dates thrown around for Gamma, but they were overwritten in the design notes once the staff realized that said dates would not be a reality. The beta performance update, was a very small change, which fixed some flash player issues. Extensively, the EpicDuel community had to wait 1 month and some change for the Gamma release.


6/8/2011 - No release


Hi folks! This might be a disappointing week for you guys, so I apologize in advance. As you know, Titan and Artix are currently at E3, the huge trade show for electronic and video game developers. While this is awesome for us, and double awesome for Titan and Artix (maybe they’ll get some awesome ideas for new games!), it also means that there’s no update for EpicDuel this week.

6/16/2011 - Still No Release


Yes, we are now able to announce a date for the Delta release. The new version of EpicDuel is tentatively scheduled to release on June 28, 2011.

6/28/2011 - Still No Release


After all this waiting (as our fans have made abundantly clear, it’s been a long wait) we’re finally releasing EpicDuel Delta. Sometime on Wednesday, June 29th (what time? When it’s ready o’clock) we will be rolling live with the next stage of EpicDuel’s evolution!

6/29/2011 -
Delta is Released

This was the Delta release. It took them a month to get it out, and during that month, there were no updates. 1 month may seem like a "small" amount of time to wait, but only in comparison to the behemoth that is Omega.



Now it can be told: the official release date for Omega is December 14th! Of course, we can't confirm what time exactly, but we will do our absolute best to get this epic release to you in a stable, tested condition!


I regret to inform you that the official date for Omega is being pushed back to Thursday December 20th.


I have some pretty bad news to share. The EpicDuel Omega release will not be ready in time for Christmas and will need to be delayed until after the new year.

Small Content update (from previous year)


Although we do not have a formal deadline for Omega, we will inform you as soon as we do! Some have speculated that we will "surprise" you with Omega. This is a profoundly bad idea for such a massive release. We will absolutely inform you of the date as soon as we are confident in our timeline, but also understand that we will not and cannot release Omega until it is in a ready state.

1/19/2012 - Still no release (today)

Alright. So this has been an overview of the phase releases since Gamma. At the time, Gamma was a pretty big delay, and got a lot of people pretty mad. The next year, the team had Charfade on board, but the release was still delayed for about the same amount of time as Gamma, and without a performance update in the middle. Now here we are at Omega, and we see the most blatant example of a "release date" and "delay", and this is with balance testers, game testers, and not to mention Rabble, the new coder. I am just disappointed that this happens over and over. I could even go back, and dig up numerous quotes of the staff saying they "will do better in the future" and "it won't happen" again. Yet, a year later, they completely contradict themselves.

Anyway, here we are , 19 days into the new year. I am pretty sure they said Omega would be released in January, but they also said they would give us a pretty big heads up. Its looking more and more like a February release, which is sad.

Here is the point. Learn from your mistakes, don't repeat them. I play tons of games, and I don't mind waiting. In fact, with many games, releases happen once a month, or 2 months, or every 6 months! But, what a good game developer never does (in my opinion), is overextend, put out dates, and set deadlines PUBLICLY that they are incapable of meeting.

I have said it a couple times on these forums, and I'll say it again. I called this from a mile away, and I'm not upset, because I knew it would happen. However, I'm disappointed the developers can't learn from their previous blunders, and still can't get their Public Relation (PR) together. Its seriously the biggest turn off when game developers can't properly communicate with their player base...its like Lance Armstrong and Tiger Woods are running this place ;) I joke.

Well, there it is. If NW can rant, so can I, right? Hope you all found this informative, and please do discuss!

Oh yeah, and one[1] more thing. The last real release, was November 20th, 2012, which was a content update with mostly AQW art.


Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: A Look Back at Broken Promises. (1/19/2013 13:58:09)

I have only been around for Delta, and having heard that it was the most disappointing phase so far, I was looking forward to seeing ED at one of it's better times, Omega

We don't even know if we will be disappointed with it, since they are basically removing much of my power and advantage as a paying player, and I have tried to be optimistic through the whole thing as best I could, but as a company, this is ridiculous

Basically, they are lying to me, taking from me, and putting me in suspense over it

Sure, the Omega pack is useful, but you need to pay 60$ to get it, and even then, for all we know, Omega will NEVER come

And after them saying they would give us a big heads up, you would think that Omega has been in progress for years, as to have such a big wait for the heads up

Thoroughly disappointed in the way this is turning up

willendorf -> RE: A Look Back at Broken Promises. (1/19/2013 14:10:40)

Relax, the previous releases show that even if the release is late IT WILL COME and hopefully in January, there is no need to flip out...

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: A Look Back at Broken Promises. (1/19/2013 14:12:05)

I never said it would never come, I said "as far as we know"
As they said they would give us a big heads up, for all I know, it could be 5 years in advance
There is just too little known for everything they are claiming

SMGS -> RE: A Look Back at Broken Promises. (1/19/2013 16:15:34)

The nature of this thread only encourages complaining, flaming and trolling. The same extends to all threads and posts being created simply to complain about the delay. I know it is frustrating waiting for an update planned for release last year, and I apologize for that. But it's become blatantly obvious that those frustrations are being used as a reason to flame and attack others.

We've been there and done that 17 months ago. And I can easily relate to a post made during that time by Wiseman (whew, not a name I've heard of in a while)...

The release will be ready when it is ready, no sooner. No - the developers will not release something they didn't put 101% into, no - they will not release a release full of bugs, and no - they will not release something that is half done. Yes - it was a release that was underestimated, the developers have mentioned this themselves and yes, it is on schedule for a January release, they've mentioned that, too. Just keep in mind this is a release that rewrites over 70% of the game's code (yes, the number came from the bacon overlord himself...), and a side by side comparison here. That puts some perspective on the amount of testing required. And bugs...

17 months ago, you were frustrated, without any reasons as to why the update was delayed. A lot of you expressed that you were discontented because you didn't know what was going on, there weren't any explanations as to why the release was delayed. Today, the developers have committed to updating you daily, sometimes multiple times daily in the Design Notes - that's not counting the enormous amounts of sneak peeks being given to you through Twitter. They're giving you the most up close look at the progress of this huge release, and they've also offered compensation for the delay.

A lot of you think the developers make up excuses for the delay. They're lazy. They don't work on the weekends. They're delaying Omega for the lolz. And all those are completely false. It's downright sickening to see people say any of these, as well as other excuses not listed here, when all the developers work all day and pull all nighters just to get this release in on time. This level of disrespect is unacceptable.

To all of you complaining and whining, no amount of hating and complaining will speed up the release. Do something else if you're still waiting for the release, there's a lot to do then just sitting around complaining and complaining. It won't get you anywhere. This is reality, unexpected situations pop up, and mistakes will be made. Not everything will go the way you want things to go, that's life - deal with it. I assure you that you won't be sticking around if you continue this behavior.

Not everyone has the same views on the delay, though, and we have certainly not forgotten you. If you're waiting this release out, you've gained a lot of respect from myself and all the other ArchKnights here. People always say they love AE because of the community, and you're the reason for that, and I thank you for that. Your continued patience and support to the game, to the developers, the testers, moderators and all those in between does not go without appreciation, and on behalf of all those people, thank you once again.

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