Trading stuff (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


kelvin48997 -> Trading stuff (1/19/2013 17:22:09)

Hey I have been thinking on that it would be cool if u could trade items with each other in game or even give other credits in game so u could help em out but no varium cause that would just cause than many would keep asking of give em varium.

Plz tell my what u think of it

Ranloth -> RE: Trading stuff (1/19/2013 17:31:16)

Taken from =ED= Frequently Suggested Ideas *READ BEFORE POSTING*:

If it's your suggestion it picks up, then no need to post it, since we're already considering it!


- Auction house/trading

So it shouldn't be suggested since they are aware of the suggestion but it does not necessarily mean it will be put into the game. It has many security issues which were explained by Devs thus making it very unlikely.

SMGS -> RE: Trading stuff (1/19/2013 18:34:12)

Please read the FSI (link above) before posting. Locked.

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