Juggernaut and 2v2 NPC's (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Juggernaut and 2v2 NPC's (1/21/2013 15:18:26)

Well yes NPCs are disapearing OHHHHHHHHH NO!!!!!!!!!!

Since NPCs will certainly be the death of most active players... why not make NPC's Juggernaut and 2v2 accessible?
There can be 5 hourly for team and juggernaut to balance 1v1 NPC's influence.
And it can be accessible to start out through mechachilids just like in the infernal war when you would try and reach the vault.


hijinks -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 15:20:37)

That would actually be great! Support because sometimes NPCs can be better teammates than some players (sadly).

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 16:52:07)

Not supported.
Jugg mode is the only mode where the battle record is balanced now.
And you want to ruin that, just like 1vs1 records?

No, just no.
It is the only battle record where you can see how good someone truelly is.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 20:47:59)

Well it could give a slight little boost of influence at 5 wins an hour a juggernaut gives 75 influence... 15 1v1 gives 75 also.. balancing it out.

Nub Apocalypse -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 21:19:06)

Hell no, if NPCs are going to be possible, let it stay with 1v1, please don't ruin my 2v2 experience.

Mother1 -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 21:24:30)

Not supported

If they made NPC available for fighting in 1 vs 1 2 vs 2 or Jug fights it would be the infernal war all over again. What I mean by this is that people would just go to the least populated server and click on these battle mode to get NPC just about all the time for free wins. This would cause extreme abuse especially if people are aiming to go for LB's.

King Oranges -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 21:31:39)

Not Supported.
Juggernaut is supposed to be all about vsing REAL Players not vsing underpowered npcs...
So people can just farm influence off npcs..

Nub Apocalypse -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 21:35:51)

Mother, you keep bringing up the infernal war but I remember you winning the daily 2v2 with a % of 95 or 96. Seems like you were abusing the lowly populated servers and now you don't want anyone else doing the same. But back on topic, yet another reason why I disagree if that my hardearned 2v2 % will go to dust if NPCs were possible. The 1v1 % has been screwed up by NPCs in the past few years that I really can't even care about whether they will remove NPCs in 1v1 or not. But right now, 2v2 is the most balanced mode (someone above said juggernaut, what?) and requires the most skill, in the aspect of being an all-rounder; knowing how to counter 2 different opponents, add to a partner and the much ignored social ability (which imo, is the real game changer of 2v2, you gotta talk in a manner which your partner won't find commanding/annoying to be convincing). Please do not ruin the only battle mode I even take seriously.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 21:36:14)

In Omega
When NPC's don't count

Mother1 -> RE: NPC (1/21/2013 22:25:18)

@ nub

My point is that they are removing NPC in omega because they want the game to be PVP not PVE. If NPC were added into these battle modes it wouldn't be PvP 100% now would it?

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: NPC (1/22/2013 0:14:20)


But right now, 2v2 is the most balanced mode (someone above said juggernaut, what?)

I said it because its true.

In 2vs2 you still had the infernal war too boost your %.
And you also have running partners which lowers your %.

Jugg mode does not have that. It is the most balanced mode, since there are no factors that mess up your record, only factor is you being bad at it.

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