RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 14:47:27)

It won't be excessively small, just small enough it's not the mother of all lag.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 14:49:48)

I know. I'm just curious as to if anyone liked the artwork in battle as it is dispite the lag.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 14:51:24)

^Yes, I do despite the lag.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 14:59:22)



•Friend's list... finally!
•New $5 and $10 packages
•New Undead Dungeon!
•6 Undead Characters Released

...So no new major update? Huh, totaly did not call that one. But what,s the main difference between Minotuar and Unded DUngeon? And DON'T SAY UNDEAD.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:00:33)

Friend's list is a major update, it's what makes alot of MMO's great as you can easily find Friends with that and you now who is on and who is not on.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:01:28)

Vagaran: then let me rephrase my statement: No major BATTLE Update.[;)]

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:02:34)

Oh, yeah no major battle update :s

But on the bright side: UNDEAD DUNGEON! You can't say this release suck (unless we get another legendary)

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (1/25/2013 15:03:08)

[Deleted by Admins]

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:04:16)

^ 5 Water characters.

Water Fairy - Alpha Pirate - Water Apprentice - Water Peasant - Katana Zon

Fallen Crest -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:06:36)

I have a feeling the boss of the dungeon will have a Legendary form. >_>

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:06:55)


Oh, yeah no major battle update :s

But on the bright side: UNDEAD DUNGEON! You can't say this release suck (unless we get another legendary)

I can and I will:

We have PLENTY of Shadow Chars.
A new dungeion is pretty much pointless right now since the only thing we would get out of it is new chars.

Seriously the olnly good things are Friend List and lower packages for cash.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:09:27)


But what,s the main difference between Minotuar and Unded DUngeon? And DON'T SAY UNDEAD.

Shadow-based undead will replace the earth based chars [8|] So this looks like an all out shadow release. And friends list.
I hope they fix the map glitch. However, the new shadow dungeon chars will probably be faster to farm sicne shadow chars tend to not stack shields and heals. Unless they all have VR and life-drain.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:10:34)


I have a feeling the boss of the dungeon will have a Legendary form. >_>

If that happens you can find me in the AQW, AQ, DF, MQ and sooner or later on the ED forums.


Well what had you expected from a game lead by a Archfiend who is green?

Fallen Crest -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:11:06)

Best part of the release: Because the map is glitched, a SHADOW dungeon means easier farming. [;)]

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:14:41)

I love Shadow characters, and even I agree we have too many. Oh well, at least it has friends list.

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (1/25/2013 15:15:06)

[Deleted by Admins]

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:15:20)


Unless they all have VR and life-drain.

Please no [>:]

The Shadow Dungeon might make me wanna farm just a little, if they do have LD and VR I won't be training there :/

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:17:56)


Well what had you expected from a game lead by a Archfiend who is green?

It is all well and good releasing lots of undead and feind stuff when you are doing art for the game, it's a whole other thing entirely when you are the head of a game. I don't often complain about a release and when I do I think it for a good reason. The fact is, Shadow characters FAR outnumber ALL other character in the game. Lightning has 3 chars in game, one of which is rare. Water has 4. I have 10 Shadow chars and I HAVE NOT CAUGHT ALL OF THEM.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:21:52)

Energy has eight chars: Bill's three forms, the two Leis (you can count them as one since they have the same deck), and the Lightning Wolf evos. Or if you don't count the evos than, yeah, it's 3 one of which is rare (Bill).

The minority elements seems to be Water, Energy, and Fire. I personally don't care which char they release later on as long as it's from one of these elements.

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:23:39)

In my completely unbiased opinion Water could use more characters and there needs to be a contest soon.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:26:02)

Maybe a char contest that's restricted to certain elements?

Deity Link -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:29:54)

Hai doods, how are you guys today? [:)]

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:30:45)

Wait . . . this undead dungeon is ALREADY released? GASP GASP GASP GASP!!!

Deity Link -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:32:15)

@chaos Nu, [:(]

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:33:30)

No, I don't think it's out yet.

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