Showing faction wins for players (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> Showing faction wins for players (1/26/2013 13:03:52)

The title says it all. It would be nice to see how many wins we got since we been in the faction again.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Showing faction wins for players (1/26/2013 14:14:51)

supported, especially if there is a button to switch between views of the faction: influence vs wins.

willendorf -> RE: Showing faction wins for players (1/26/2013 18:44:06)

They used to have this... But I prefer the influence view. I'm more likely to kick someone with 100 2v2 wins than someone with 300 1v1 wins (previously it didn't say type of win) even though they have the same influence.

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: Showing faction wins for players (1/26/2013 19:11:23)

Supported - maybe a switch version e.g. from influence to wins?

ND Mallet -> RE: Showing faction wins for players (1/26/2013 19:20:03)

I prefer the influence because it shows the effort of players better than just wins. 200 wins in a day doesn't seem like much with the old system but now you'll see that those 200 wins were all 2vs2 and you got more influence from it than 1vs1.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Showing faction wins for players (1/26/2013 20:49:18)

yea, supported due to the fact that you cant rly keep track of wins that your members do. For example if you are a 1v1 faction and your member does jugg and 2v2 that day, it looks like they did a lot of 1v1 when in reality they did a low number of 2v2 and jugg.

Plus i miss seeing my wins posted on there. hahaa

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