RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (Full Version)

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Prosperine -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/14/2013 11:09:07)

ACC: Upgraded all Defender Dragon Accessories to max level :)

OverlordCody -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/14/2013 11:52:25)

Dis: After many turns of being stunned...

Myra -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/14/2013 14:28:29)

ACC: Had lots of fun in the war
ACC: Upgraded Defender Items for some of my characters
DIS: Didn't have enough time to fight as much as I wanted.

Final war statistics (not counting boss fights)

  • 100(1) waves with primary character
  • 320(6) waves with 2nd character
  • 130(5) waves with 3rd character
  • 100(3) waves with 4th character
  • 650(15) waves in total
  • 2 High Cultists, 7 Human Cultists, 2 Undead Cultists, 3 Elf Cultists, 1 Brute Cultist

  • JariTheMighty -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/16/2013 10:56:28)

    ACC: Got back to some Dragonfable action once again!
    DIS: I think last time me playing was during the Book 1 final war, so I definitely got some catching up action to do.
    ACC: Having a quick glance at the encyclopedia, looks like I haven't missed any great free player rares during my DF break.

    Warmonger Starsaber -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/16/2013 12:45:19)

    ACC: Leveled up to Level 70

    Goal: Get to Level 75 by next war

    Goal: Hit the Level Cap of 80

    DISS: Only got 401 Waves last war losing my 1001 waves per war streak.

    AlkaNephrite -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/16/2013 18:12:44)

    ACC: Level 77!
    ACC: Secondary's at Level 50. (2 levels higher).
    ACC: Reached 1001 waves. (I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it)
    ACC: Beat up Baron Jaysun Valtrith multiple times on extreme mode using three mains.
    DIS: Forgot about upgrading secondary characters' Doom and Destiny weapons and have a loooot of work to do...

    xxDantExx -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/17/2013 10:48:49)

    ACC: finally upgraded Elemental Unity Defender to XI ( thnx to War Leftovers [:D] )

    DJ9K -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/17/2013 19:35:05)

    Acc: over 10,000 waves combined from all 4 characters.
    Acc: Got 3 Dragon Defender items maxed - 4 to go.
    Acc: Beat Extreme Hard Mode Jayson in 4 turns without using Doom Knight (RiftWalker so OP)
    Acc: Reached level 78 on 4th
    Acc: Managed to get bored (hard when I find things I still needa do, like farm DM)
    Goal Acc: Defeat Extreme Hard Mode using my 3 Favourite Characters, without using the technique to beat him in 3-5 turns.
    Goal Acc: Got 2nd's DM Ring Necklace.
    Acc: 2nd has full Dragon Defender Accessories.

    Goal: Get 4th to 80
    Goal: Get 4th's DM Belt
    Goal: Get 3rds DM Necklace Ring and Belt

    Tigirosa -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/18/2013 1:41:22)

    Finaly got Doom Knight!
    I have all Defender Dragon accessories to max level.
    Got 13th 13th scythe.
    This war i defeated only 900 or so foot waves.

    Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/21/2013 12:20:06)

    DIS: Had to beat the 'Boss' in Edelia sewers with nothing but mine and Aegis's 'Attack' skill, due to having 0 mana, and being too lazy to train my alchemy ><

    The ErosionSeeker -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/22/2013 16:20:12)

    ACC: finally got NSTB, yay!

    Oddball -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/25/2013 11:44:35)

    ACC: After a LONG, unannounced break, I'm back!
    DIS: Gonna take a looooooong time to catch up to everything. .-.

    Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/25/2013 17:57:21)

    ACC: Oddball is back! :D Yay!
    ACC: Nearly level 30! Been playing since 08 and have been to lazy to farm up to this point xD

    JariTheMighty -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/26/2013 3:43:23)

    ACC: Level 80!
    ACC/DIS: Baby dragon 40 training points away from being maxed out.

    Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/26/2013 16:55:20)

    ACC: Finally finished the Nythera saga.
    ACC: Actually reached a reasonable amount of gold for my needs.

    yaseen.t -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/27/2013 4:45:24)

    I got riftwalker. I have most of the badges and Im on level 66 with my main character. I lov my weapons. verse me. ID: 38626143

    Got the 13 13 scythe. It is soooo cool[:D]

    blaugmurk cape is not so easy but I finished it because I got the UPRIGHT BLINDING LIGHT OF DESTINY and THE GRISTLY SHADOWREAPER OF DOOM. im not selling that any time soon

    Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/27/2013 13:51:19)

    ACC: Finally reached level 30! After 6 years! XD
    ACC: Got to use my epic new look!

    JariTheMighty -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/28/2013 6:54:56)

    ACC: Finished all the Defender's items (ring/belt/neck)!

    Central -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/29/2013 20:58:38)

    ACC: I finally got the Vanilla Ice Katana!:D

    Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/1/2013 3:17:58)

    ACC:10 more days for my main's creation day so the birthday quest was awesome and I got a good metal weapon !

    JariTheMighty -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/1/2013 16:04:08)

    Acc: Bought DA!

    Lord Ferret -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/1/2013 19:29:18)

    GOAL: Get 300 Dragon PvP medals (Progress: 69/300)

    ACC: Obtained Grand Master Duelist
    ACC: Obtained best weapons for level 80 according to wiki (All elements)
    ACC:Maxed all Random badges [Warmonger badges not released]
    ACC: Unlocked all Armor badges [Excl. Calendar classes]
    ACC: Leveled up Ash to cap
    ACC: Leveled up Alexander to cap
    ACC: Max out Bank and Bag space
    ACC: Maxed out baby dragon skills
    ACC: Orb of Saving
    ACC: Maxed out Mana potion mastery
    ACC: Maxed out Health potion mastery
    ACC: Completed Neverglades
    ACC: Completed all quest badges
    ACC: Completed all non-DC armor badges
    ACC: Completed all skill badges available
    ACC: Completed all Holiday badges
    ACC: Completed Blacksmith and Pet taming maxed
    ACC: Cooking rank 6/6
    ACC: Falconreach aquarium 20/20
    ACC: Amityvale aquarium 40/40
    ACC: Master Of The Deep maxed

    Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/4/2013 5:50:53)

    ACC: 100k Plus (50)
    ACC: Unlucky Doom Essence (99)
    ACC: Ahzite Ore (40)
    ACC: Barrat Wing (50)
    ACC: Battle Core
    ACC: Filament
    ACC: Guardian Blade
    ACC: Spiked Leather Gauntlet

    ultrashadowlord -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/4/2013 14:04:48)

    Dis: It's painstaking to farm for the last two troglomite eyes *le sigh*

    Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/9/2013 11:35:49)

    ACC: Helping people over facebook !

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