Free for All, Positioning (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> Free for All, Positioning (1/27/2013 13:57:04)

There are 2 ideas here. 1 is a battle mode, the other is a battle feature. The intention is to promote enjoyment of PVP.

First, I realize you may be thinking, "free for all? That is going to be so broken, no way am I going to support this". That is fine, if you do not want to support this already and stop reading, fine. But if you continue, I will walk you through a rather interesting idea if I may say so myself and then you can judge whether or not it will be successful or a failure.

To start off, the following is a visual of what free-for-all battles look like:


As you can see, 4 players are lined up horizontally. From left to right, the players will face: rightwards, leftwards, rightwards, leftwards. Because 4 players in a line may be too wide for the map screen, the players will have to be shrunk slightly. A player can attack any other player. Faction members cannot be in the same free-for-all battle (while I am at it faction members should not appear in the same 1v1 or as enemies in 2v2). You may be wondering what that scale on the bottom represents. That is an outline for the "positioning" idea, but that will be covered later. The free-for-all (ffa) idea can be implemented without the positioning, but it would be much more interesting if both were implemented at once.

The following visual is to show how movement works with positioning in place:


So let us pretend that the guy at position 2 (1 2 3 4) was to Strike the guy at position 4. With positioning implemented, guy-2 moves over to position 3 at the same time guy-3 at position 3 moves over to position 2. Then guy-2 Strikes guy-4. Now the order is: 1 3 2 4. Without positioning, guy-2 would just run over to guy-4, Strike, then run back. A player can move to the outside of the ffa, like the far left or the far right. Movement is a separate action from a normal action like using a skill or a weapon. The player must click where to move or not move, then click which normal action they must take. For example at the beginning of my turn, I choose to move to the far right, then select to shoot the guy on the far left. When I finish clicking the shooting button, my character moves, then shoots. NOTE: this is on the condition that positioning is implemented.

I wished to preserve the fairness of battles if at all possible, so this battle mode will also come with the addition of a new reporting option: bad sportsmanship. What this covers is anything involving players intentionally ruining battles for other players. In free-for-all, if 2 or 3 players decide to team/ dog pile against a single player, and someone provoked it (eg... guy-1 says "hey guy-3 help me kill guy-2"; guy-2 or guy-3 or guy-4 can report guy-1 for bad sportsmanship... because you are not supposed to team up in free-for-all). This includes friends piling on 1 guy who is not their friend or a group of players piling on a common enemy so long as there is textual proof that someone was encouraging bad sportsmanship. Some more severe cases would be players dummying in 1v1, 2v2, or ffa.

That is all for free-for-all, now onto positioning.

Positioning, as you would expect, involves where the player is in a battle. But this is not the summary of the idea... no, it is so much more. The player's position has a great impact on the player's effectiveness in combat. What impact? Think of it this way, as the player is closer to an enemy, their melee will improve and their ranged will worsen. As the player is farther from an enemy, their ranged will improve and their melee will worsen. If the distance from an enemy is neither close nor far, there is no change. Is this interesting and reasonable? If so, good. The following is a visual of what I just stated for free-for-all:


How will melee and ranged be affected by position? Simple, damage... and accuracy.

How does positioning work in 1v1 or 2v2... you may be wondering. The following is a visual for the outline in 2v2 (but this allows applies to 1v1):


OK! So, just like the demonstration for ffa, the distance from an enemy determines the melee and ranged effectiveness of the player. There are some differences, however. Notice how there are 3 sectors on each side? These sectors are the left, middle, and right, respectively. And now you probably noticed that there are a total of 6 spaces instead of the 4 that you see in ffa. You can also see that the distance between the guy on the far left and the guy on the far right is 5 instead of the 3 in ffa. The melee and ranged effectiveness is still the same though! However, more spaces means more specific effects. 1 unit of distance is max melee, negative max ranged... 2 distances is half melee, negative half ranged... 3 distances is min melee, min ranged... 4 distances is negative half melee, half ranged... 5 distances is negative max melee, max ranged. Min means zero bonus, half means half bonus, max means full bonus. Negative just means a decrease instead of an increase. As stated before, the player must move, then attack or defend. A player will be fatigued from moving AND attacking/defending in the same turn. That means that on the next turn the player can move OR attack/defend, not both.

Sharing those cartoons took about 5 minutes, articulating the ideas presented took about an hour.

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