The Astral Fury -> RE: Is anyone running out of patients (1/30/2013 22:10:54)
Yes that's correct why do we complain if we know it won't really help anything? I think most people are complaining because their using it as a way to let off steam, relieve the anger, frustration, annoyance and feelings they have about the Omega release. I think many of these people know it won't help, but I think it makes them feel better, and I do not blame them for complaning (Actual it's quite reasonable) after this long ait, 3+ months without a release, 2 months of delays from Omega is a little long, even though I fully understand the dev's expierienced some inconviencnes along the way, I understand why people are compalning and I understand why people are getting angered by the complaints too, but hopefully we can come together like family depsite are opnions. I also have add that many of you, (With all due respect my fellow duelists) seem to not be familar with "Complaning". Hear me out, people complain wether it's here on the ED general disscussion or anywhere else happends all the time, it's a natural part of human nature. When the breaks on a past Toyota car expierienced complications on how they functions people complained (Yes I know this is a terrible example because in this example c complaning acutually helped the problem). Here's another, when Grand Turismo 5 was delayed for a long period of time, many loyal fans complained about this inconvienience even though the complainnig would not affect the outcome. The fact is people complain wether their helping or not we can't we blame people for complaining especially how long Omega's taking, but rest assured I know the Dev's are doing their best and I hope they release it as soon as they can :). Also I'm a little upset of how people are threatning the dev's if they don't release Omega on a date that's good for them they'll leave, I don't think this is reasonable. Justice and sir zeph and Soul Prisoner (With again all due respect) you said you would quit if Omega wasn't released by this date you would quit? How is this reasonable the Dev's do not plan Omega according to your scheulde and you say your level 49, 78 gamers (Not you Soul) then why leave isn't that motavation to stay since you've spent so much money, but I don't blame you guys for being angry and wanting Omega soon, heck Soul I'm getting my exams results soon, but guys they'll release it when they do but I understand your conernce. Anyway know the dev's are working hard to give you the best release possibility because they want everyone to be happend, guys I don't mind if you complain, but do it a resectful manner I want Omega as much as you guys, but know it will come. Good job and work Dev's good job guys for your patience we can do this! Wish you all the best -Astral