Drakath, Darkness Dragon (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Drakath, Darkness Dragon (2/1/2013 12:05:53)

Drakath, Darkness Dragon
Darkness Element
Level	2	22	42	62	82	102	122	142	
XP	45	65	170	626	2918	14999	82114	468311	
Gold	42	68	168	629	2912	15002	82108	468311	
Power	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	
Melee	14	20	25	31	37	42	48	53	
Ranged	14	20	25	31	37	42	48	53	
Magic	14	20	25	31	37	42	48	53	
EstHP	80	360	750	1270	1940	3430	5730	7430	
EstMP	120	470	850	1330	1880	2280	2600	3320	

STR	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
DEX	5	65	125	175	230	250	255	285	
INT	10	75	125	180	230	250	255	305	
END	0	0	10	25	40	110	200	220	
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
LUK	-5	-30	-50	-70	-90	-100	-100	-100	
Fire	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	
Water	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	
Wind	150	150	150	150	150	150	150	150	
Ice	150	150	150	150	150	150	150	150	
Earth	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	
Energy	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	
Light	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	
Dark	-100	-100	-100	-100	-100	-100	-100	-100	
  • Immunity to Blind, Fear (and similar effects), Thermal Shock and Burn.
  • Regenerates «» SP per turn.
  • If it has at least «» SP, it spends that much on a Darkness breath attack, and blinds* you if any hits connect.
  • Has the ability to reduce the BtH** of your incoming attacks.

    *Drakath's breath leaves you shrouded in Darkness!
    **Drakath's magic pulls him into the darkness!

    Level	2	22	42	62	82	102	122	142	
    Regen	17	32	47	62	77	92	107	122	
    SP Cost	48	107	176	255	344	443	552	671	
    Drakath is an ancient and powerful beast that consumes and exhales darkness, with the ability to command servants of darkness and the creatures who dwell on it. If we don't get the Fire Orb back, then he'll be able to do the same with fire!

    Stats thanks to BlackAces.

  • Suikoman444 -> RE: Drakath, Darkness Dragon (2/4/2013 0:30:19)


    Drakath, Darkness Dragon
    Note: This is the version from The Dragon War Part 3

    Darkness Element
    Power N/A
    Level	75
    XP	150
    Gold	30
    Melee	20
    Ranged	20
    Magic	20
    EstHP	1200
    EstMP	100
    STR	100
    DEX	100
    INT	75
    END	100
    CHA	0
    LUK	0
    Fire	100
    Water	100
    Wind	100
    Ice	100
    Earth	100
    Energy	100
    Light	300
    Dark	-200
    An ancient and powerful beast that consumes and exhales shadows. With the ability to command servants of darkness and the creatures who dwell in it, Drakath is feared and fled from.

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