Zombie Nightmare Queen (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Zombie Nightmare Queen (2/1/2013 14:19:55)

Zombie Nightmare Queen
Darkness Element
Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	147
XP	42	76	225	912	4354	22839	126471	727365
Gold	48	82	228	909	4357	22837	126468	727368
Power	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5
Melee	22	27	32	37	42	48	53	58
Ranged	22	27	32	37	42	48	53	58
Magic	22	27	32	37	42	48	53	58
EstHP	100	440	1060	1970	3240	4810	6690	8950
EstMP	130	310	540	880	1270	1730	2300	2900

STR	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
DEX	-5	-25	-40	-60	-80	-95	-115	-135
INT	20	65	105	155	200	245	295	340
END	10	55	100	140	185	225	265	310
CHA	10	40	70	100	130	160	190	220
LUK	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
Fire	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
Water	60	60	60	60	60	60	60	60
Wind	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40
Ice	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
Earth	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40
Energy	60	60	60	60	60	60	60	60
Light	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
Dark	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
  • If she has at least «» MP, she spends that much and attempts to put you to sleep.
    Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	147	
    MP Cost	83	164	259	368	490	626	775	937
    The Queen of Nightmares has been turned into a zombie by a necromancer!

    Write-up by whackybeanz. Basic stats by Scakk. Effect thanks to BlackAces.

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