=OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (Full Version)

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Rilami -> =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 18:52:16)


Like a BOSS... till Monday!

We accidentally put the Boss computer deck version of the contest characters into the Shop today. Way too many things going into the game at once and not enough testers... Well there's three testers, me Waric and Rolith. Enjoy it through the weekend. Their proper decks will be restored Monday!

X-boost Update: Stackable up to x10

X-boost items will be stackable up to x10! This means if you buy it multiple times you can increase the amount of experience and gold bonus you get up to 100%.
NOTE: It could get confusing... currently, there's nothing to indicate how many X-boosts you have. The programmers will have that in next week!

Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters!

Posted on Febuary 01, 2013 by Nulgath

Later tonight, Contest winners Shaister and Vergil will have their characters released today! Before you spend your hard earned Soulgems or Gold on these Contest characters, know they can be possessed in the New Nightmare Dungeon!


Game Update v0.6.02

  • Oversoul's FIRST item, the X-Boost Item! This will increase the Experience you gain! Speed up the leveling process!
  • A New Boss now roams the Undead Dungeon
  • 6 New Characters Released
  • For High Level Players, Talk to Oblivion, the keeper of the Nightmare Dungeon! The Nightmare Dungeon will release High End bosses randomly for you to fight and attempt to possess. Come here in the future to challenge your skills and encounter new Monsters! The Bosses in here hit HARD!

    Nightmare Dungeon!

    Coming Soon!
    Grand Quest and Card Customization!

  • Darkstardust1234 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 18:53:50)

    OH YES. exp boost is here :D

    Fallen Crest -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 18:55:18)

    YES YES YES, experience boost!

    Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 18:56:14)


    Finncollier -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 19:09:44)

    Is that...the arch-lich i've been waiting for YEEEEEEEEES

    Tally -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 19:50:25)

    Witchblade, yessss.

    ChrisX -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 20:02:55)

    Hmmm....Grand Quest? Sounds really important o.o

    Matgon -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 21:28:45)

    Why is Nulgath calling the X boost an "item" did they change their mind about "artifacts"?

    BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 21:30:52)

    An X-Boost is an item because it is something that is not a character, or a feature of the game.

    Rilami -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 21:31:05)


    I'm not sure, but I don't think so. I think they're either separate things, or the same thing, if they're separate that would actually be pretty cool, so that you could use an Exp boost while still having an artifact that helps you train faster.

    Matgon -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 21:34:17)

    @Rilami: Actually it makes sense... artifacts should affect battle-wise only.

    Skurge -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 22:07:02)


    Awesome update material! Too bad I wasted my AP's on AQWorlds and not OverSoul! ><


    caseybp -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 23:55:03)

    sounds fun. i hope it at LEAST cuts the level up time in half. because for a non grinder like me, leveling to 20 is a TAD out of reach.

    Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/1/2013 23:57:57)

    It updated, but I can't access the servers. }}}:I

    bugattiboy91 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 0:20:23)

    Stackable x10? Does that mean you could buy 10 lifetime boosts and get a permanently double your gains?

    dxdeathwalkerdx -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 0:21:28)

    I am in love. with this fiend character

    ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 0:22:30)

    @bugatti Yep, you can only get 10 of them though.

    Craneo -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 0:35:45)

    X-Bonus Boost not working [&:]

    I did not see LOL
    "NOTE: It could get confusing... currently, there's nothing to indicate how many X-boosts you have. The programmers will have that in next week! "

    Sir Xander -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 1:05:09)

    Bought the x10 Lifetime Xboost.... 100 sgs...... I hope it was worth it

    Grixus Faldor -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 1:29:50)

    Just to be on the safe side I bought 5, when I went into battle there was no indication, upon victory, as to whether or not the X-Boost kicked in. The EXP I received was still OpLevel*20 as opposed to (OpLevel*20)+(0.5*OpLevel*20). The figures stayed the same, and I'm unsure if I got the amount I was supposed to.

    zentrix321 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 1:36:12)

    they are OVERPOWERED.
    im done.

    Labyth -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 1:54:11)

    Yes they are now qualified as overpower(finally sommething hard to kill)

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    jakemaster1390 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 2:30:25)

    @ James Lu in almost all the games the reward and exp gains figures from a certain level stay the same. The X-boost gains are shown as a seperate figure. just hang on till next week when they figure out the way to tell how many xp boosts you have.

    If anybody gets a balloon over their head saying you are getting 0xp and 0 extra gold just after you bought your x-boost, log out and then re-log in and you will start to get your xp rewards

    Ninjaty -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 2:47:18)

    The X-Boosts doesn't seem to be working. I bought a few permanent ones, so I hope they fix them soon.
    And I thought the monsters in the Nightmare Dungeon were supposed to be tough, yet they don't seem very difficult at all.

    But still, great release for letting us know what to expect: dedicated challenge areas and temporary / permanent boosts. Can't wait for them to work properly :D

    almanac01 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes February 1, 2013: Late Night Release: X-Boost Items! Contest Characters! (2/2/2013 2:57:38)


    And I thought the monsters in the Nightmare Dungeon were supposed to be tough, yet they don't seem very difficult at all.

    This is either the world's worst lie or you used the character shop SEF and WB.

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