Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXXI - READ THE FIRST POST (2/4/2013 21:47:53)
@Frogger: I hate you... I wanted that Undead Knight, and have wanted it for five months. Yes, I have waited for it's release since alpha and will hate everyone who has it until I get it *rageface*. Really? Because I got mine the day after it was released, no SGs. And now its lvl 10! :D Thought about continuing but then I finally possessed the Solider Skelly from Degore. Also, I swear that Snow Ninja hates me. Found him like 100x and I still haven't possessed him >.< EDIT: quote:
@hijinks Its probably a coincidence but try hunting on the left side of the dungeon I found a good burn mage pattern there :) As did I, can't seem to find them as easily in other parts, but the top left quarter of the dungeon seems to have plenty of them.