RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/5/2013 6:33:19)

I expect we will be able to, I just don't know HOW. We can't see the char itself because it's a evo. The only way I can think of is selling the entire char and getting a new one.

Vagaran -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/5/2013 8:50:43)

Well it would be neat if I could sell some SG char's I rarely use anyway....*looks at Lei Crossblade and FH*

SGsPyzcho -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/5/2013 8:52:25)

Thank you warlic I'm so selling it because there rebalanced cards are weaker then some of the other shadow characters I have.

megakyle777 -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/5/2013 9:18:19)

Vagaran: The way I read that sellback will be for all chars, although for everything except the boss chars brought BEFORE the nerf they will follow the typical AE rule of 90% the first 24 hours and 10% afterwards.

Above: If you wish to sell it then fine. But I would say keep it till card Customisation. I reckon the Corupption card will make for a good nuteral stratergy.

Vagaran -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/5/2013 9:20:00)


Thank you warlic I'm so selling it because there rebalanced cards are weaker then some of the other shadow characters I have.

The cards are neutral, not shadow [8|]

SGsPyzcho -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/5/2013 9:38:48)

I may keep one but the fiend of vergill wil be sold no probem. Maybe the WB will stay i don't know though.

Akura_ -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/5/2013 13:15:30)

so witch blade is sell back able D:

shadowgasher0090 -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/5/2013 19:22:26)

I hope they will add a store set up like that of AQW, where you can sell unwanted characters, like "water fairy" and "earth fairy" and other weak charcters that are only taking up space in my list and making it hard to find the character I want to equip. ...I only catch 'em just to see what they look like (b4 wiki posts them) or to see first-hand what they can do. For the majority of the characters, they are either rip offs of each other in terms of cards or they look ugly. Currently, I have 64 characters, some of which are just pre-evolutions to characters that I already own in higher forms.

Glenn132 -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/6/2013 10:27:55)

What would be better would be if you had a market for characters to be sold for gold or SG at an auction.

obsidian6 -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/6/2013 13:11:41)

fiend of vergill level 12 was not strong.lost to a random monster

linklink0091 -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/6/2013 14:07:01)

in all earnest i still feel with that so called boss title i would expect all if not 70% of the cards to be more useful then low ranked neutral characters, i would rather use my huntrest then witch blade (even though she is level 20) and im not selling them becuase thier levels are to high for me to let go of...even though the nerf was to strong in my opinen and many other ppl feel that a boss's soul should BE stronger in a few ways not just some single DoT of 5 per turn

again i feel AE has shown poor insight in balance in thier games

The Jop -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/6/2013 14:12:01)

You're not supposed to be invincible in any game.

The boss characters were not even supposed to be released, so you should be happy you got a special Corruption card instead of just losing the character and having your SGs refunded.

Vagaran -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/6/2013 14:14:56)


Corruption will be 20dmg in 4 turn, having 2 of those will press the enemy ALOT.

When CC comes out you can more shield and VR and voila you got a pretty strong character. I'm definitely not going to sell my WB since she is at lv.20 already and I can see potential in her!



Skurge -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/6/2013 14:18:23)

Corruption sounds deadly! It's like double Shatter, but for Shadow Characters!


Fallen Crest -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/6/2013 14:20:27)

@Scherzo: It acts as poison does. 5 damage per turn for 4 turns, totaling 20 damage for 10 charge.

Antiwally -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 0:25:42)

I was kinda hoping Witchblade would keep the Death Flow skill, or at least a weakened version of it :(
Corruption isn't all that good to me (I like to play high dmg low wait cards) b/c of its high cost and how it's easily countered with iron hide.

Hopefully someone agrees with me...

Megadragonknight -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 0:42:51)

Corruption makes up for the rebalance of WB and FoV. If WB still have her Death Flow, it will make the PvP unbalance again. The only way to have this skill is to increase the cost to 15.

Fallen Crest -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 16:44:32)


Corruption isn't all that good to me (I like to play high dmg low wait cards) b/c of its high cost and how it's easily countered with iron hide.

Corruption isn't a good skill to you? It's the most powerful DoT in the game right now.

Corruption has a high cost?
>2 Fireball = 16 charge for 20 damage.
>Four 5 damages = 16 charge for 20 damage.
>12 damage poison = 6 charge for 12 damage.
>2 Ice Walls + Ice Orb = 22 charge for 20 damage.
>Corruption = 10 charge for 20 damage.
You also, with 5 charge per turn, can regain 10 charge after using cards + draw, meaning if it ever pops up, you're guaranteed to be able to use it.

Btw, every skill in the game, except unblockables, are susceptible to Iron Hide.

Vagaran -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 16:47:54)

Corruption is like a gift from the Archfiend. Once CC is out, adding some VR's and Shields to WB/Vergil and you just got one powerful character.

Fallen Crest -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 17:31:19)

@Above: Wondering why you would add Void Reflection, a shadow card, to a neutral character deck... (Corruption is neutral btw) I think you mean counter strikes.

linklink0091 -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 18:48:58)

@thejop if they arent supossed to be released AE should have watched that better, not to mention just prove my point about poor insight .-.

dispite corruption being very goot with mana to damage ratio im not all that impressed that any deck needs to rely on a single card or aspect of it, it is just narrow and easy to counter period~!

@ fallen crest due to the recent patch it appears iron hide even blocks those unblockeables

The Jop -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 18:52:53)

AE makes mistakes very often and hardly ever give those who benefit from their mistakes anything when they undo the mistakes. You should consider yourself lucky instead of complaining that you're not unbeatable with your boss characters anymore.

dethhollow -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 20:19:36)

I think I have a way to fix the Boss-overpowered/ seperate player deck thing.... Hear me out, guys.

What if the boss monsters had 10 energy points at the start and +5 recharge a turn? Then they would still feel challenging from them having a head start, but would still be beatable by a high leveled player who knows what they're doing? Would it be possible to program that into the game?

Mondez -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 21:01:21)

That sir is suicide since they can do 5-8 dmg that only use 1-2 energy and not only that they can deal 12+ dmg on the first turn so yeah that idea will not fix the problem. The only thing they need to fix is the cost of the boss cards.

5 dmg need to cost 4 energy again and the 8 dmg cards will probably have to cost around 6 or 7 for the bosses.

dethhollow -> RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill (2/7/2013 21:28:02)

@ Mondez
Probably should have mede this more clear, but I mean that the Boss would be using the player Deck, which is balanced, with the extra energy on them to make them an actual challenge. That was Nulgath doesn't have to make an overpowered uphill battle against a monster that you will never get an exact deck of. From what I've seen so far, people understandably feel a tad cheated about that.

I wouldn't dream of imagining what it would be like for a boss to have the energy boost and still keep thier Overpowered deck.... And I use the word overpowered since that is exactly what it is.

I assume the reason the Boss AI isn't just better to make them challenging is because it's difficult to program better AI.... So why not just give them more energy at the start in stead of the AI of a beginner and the power of a god?

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