theholyfighter -> Locked Cores (2/7/2013 9:39:07)
Some Cores shouldn't be locked. Here are 2 examples: quote:
The Infernal sidearms/auxiliaries. This is their core: quote:
Infernal Spirit: Grants +2 damage and defense against the Delta Vault. This I view as garbage when the war is over, and yet it's locked. I seriously want to replace it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Charbinger primaries: This is their core: quote:
Char's Revenge: Adds +4 damage against the Dragonoid Brain. Thids is again, I view as useless after the event, and yet it's locked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote:
The Frost weapons that grants bonus damage when fighting George Lowe. For this is also "kind-of" useless since we know that George Lowe still still beatable without them, and once you beat them they have no use... However, for some Cores, I support them to stay locked. Here are some examples: quote:
Beast Slayer/Frost Reaper Armors Frost Aura: 11% Chance to Frostbite the attacker when they strike you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halloween Promo Weapons Jack O Fire: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For other items from earlier days that should stay: -Chairman's Pride -Delta Knight -Stun sidearms What items should be able to be unlocked ASAP/what should stay locked in your opinion?