Official Golden Yeti Tournament (Full Version)

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ashtonsdad -> Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/7/2013 21:38:36)

I am just wondering how long before the start of the tourney, and will the there be an announcement ahead of time? Feel free to discuss the tourney if you like, but for me that is all i am wanting to know.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/7/2013 21:50:53)

I think it should start tomorrow. It was advertised as happening at the start of omega and then put off a couple of days to make sure there are no major bugs. Besides, tomorrow is the start of the weekend. Don't stall it any longer. I've been trying to stay pumped for this tournament for so long, I'm starting to lose enthusiasm for it. Please start the tournament tomorrow!

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/7/2013 21:52:38)

According to the statue it will have a DN to officially announce the start as well as some tweets

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/7/2013 22:00:07)


The tournament will launch a few days after Omega launches.
This gives players some time to adjust their builds and learn the new system
It also gives us a window of time to resolve any issues that arise during the launch

The game was launched Tuesday night. There were no issues at launch. We've adjusted our builds to the new (if not perfect) system. It's been a few days. Now give me my tournament.

Mother1 -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/7/2013 22:18:33)

I personally think they should wait a bit before starting it. The balance is terrible, and right now one build is destroying it all. If they launch the tournament now I can grantee you everyone who is in it will just jump to that class for fast wins and the tournament will be 'who can kill who the fastest.'

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/7/2013 22:21:15)

^Which sounds hilarously fun. We'd all generate like 50,000 wins in 2 weeks by constantly 2-hitting eachother.

And really, that's what everyone should've expected from this tournament. A bunch of hardcore players rabidly attacking the 1v1 button in a broken, alpha testing game. If we want the game to be balanced before this tournament, we'll have to wait a month for it. And thats not what I signed up for.

Stabilis -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/7/2013 22:59:10)

They should sweep a series of balance updates until a tournament is actually feasible.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/8/2013 0:27:17)

Let the tournament start BEFORE Monday and im happy.
About the balance issue, since they need to update the game for that LB, they can also fix the balance issue AT THE SAME TIME.

No more waiting, they already screwed us enough.
Im done with it

the final hour -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/8/2013 3:03:17)


Which sounds hilarously fun. We'd all generate like 50,000 wins in 2 weeks by constantly 2-hitting eachother.

your definition of fun and mine are quite different

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. v2 -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/8/2013 3:13:21)

I'm back!! Yay!

On topic: They said within a few days after release.. However, now they have so many online problems they need to revamp skills and stats. So most likely this weekend

comicalbike -> RE: Official Golden Yeti Tournament (2/8/2013 3:15:14)

well for me the balance is so bad i am not trying for the yety gold but good luck for those that do

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