Varium Only Weps (Full Version)

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1wd -> Varium Only Weps (2/8/2013 19:51:54)

Variums need to have some sort of special edge, which they don't have anymore. Perhaps we could make items that you NEED varium to buy, which has more stats than other items of the same level, maybe 4 more stats? This would make Variums slightly stronger than normal players, but not totally OP.

the final hour -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/8/2013 19:56:53)


Raffillia -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/8/2013 20:30:49)

Buy said 4 varium-only pieces of equipment (Wep, Gun, Aux, Armor) and you have a +16 stat bonus.

And to be honest with you, it's not that far from what happened in Delta.

Winters Key -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 11:19:08)

Surprisingly, coming from me,
Reason? : I do feel a bit annoyed, having bought Dage's guns in delta for varium, and now in Omega you can just get it for credits [&:]

Fortitudo -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 13:29:37)

Not supported. You varium guys already have a big advantage in being able to buy things without spending tons of times grinding for credits.

G4m3r -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 13:54:32)

Not supported as the reasons ^

willendorf -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 14:53:01)

Supported for ^^^ reasons.

Ranloth -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 15:07:52)

Varium items will exist, such as promos that will be in-game. Making promo $50 and put Credit version in-game would be pointless. But no advantage.

Mother1 -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 15:38:07)

Not supported as it would defeat the whole purpose of what omega is suppose to be. We already have promos which is our varium only weps.

Lycus -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 17:00:10)

Most of the Varium only items released in packages and a lot of Varium rares from the past contain unique cores that can be very useful! That can be considered an advantage in itself, if you use it with a build that supports it!

Fortitudo -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 18:52:29)

$50 can buy a huge advantage in terms of time. And really, depending on how much you are paid you can make that much in ~2-5 hours of working.

willendorf -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 18:58:02)

^ If you don't intend on playing enough to make 40k credits for an armor, than you probably won't buy varium.

Fortitudo -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 19:25:00)


I may be willing to play long enough to make 40k creds for armor. However, what about if I wanted a robot, some new weapons, and some cores for everything? That's where varium comes in handy.

willendorf -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 20:12:27)

^What about those who bought barium before omega? And a slight shortcut isn't worth $50...

Fortitudo -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 20:23:40)

Well those who bought "varium" in omega had the advantage of being able to enhance to be op. And again, varium isn't a slight shortcut, but a huge one. Also, you don't have to spend $50. You can buy smaller amounts as it suits you. Even I watched a few ad videos so I could buy myself my awesome moose hat.

I could estimate how many hours of X amount of dollars saves you, but I don't know if you'll ever be convinced with reason.

Fortitudo -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/9/2013 21:32:01)

I have no idea what you just said lol.

deltaknight7 -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 16:37:46)


varium needs some kind of (small) advantage

also i agree with the final hour if they dont change it ed will lose alot of money

13LaCkAnWh1t3 -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 18:06:49)

Not Supported,

I can't support this because say they release a varium only weapon in game tomorrow. Yes this will give varium players a slight edge although next week in order to make another weapon they will probably make it better then the last one. Over time varium weapons would go back to being OP as they were in delta.

An example of this is:

On 'x' day frostbane came out!(only variums can buy it)

We need a new weapon.....

'y' days after Frostslayer comes out(once again only variums can buy it)

Now frostslayer is 1 damage more then frostbane and 2 damage more then normal weapons. Once again varium players have an edge.Plus they have to add something otherwise nobody would want to buy it.

Also if you say that the new weapons will have no extra damage then you can simply use a previously level 5 sword. Lastly if you already were a varium player then you have weapons non-variums can't get and if you're planning on buying some then you get promos and once again obtain weapons non-variums cant.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 18:32:30)

supported, in omega we get the items for the art, not every varium user can get the promo everytime, much like AQW's member only or AC only items, they give no power advantage but the advantage in looks, it would not affect balance but rather make varium users happy, credit users can get the existing cool items but in the future the devs should release some varium only items that has better looks.
i don't see why reserving some better art for varium users is such a bad thing, we are paying for the art afterall.

zer00x -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 19:10:40)

Supported if it doesnt affect balance

Fortitudo -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 20:08:58)


Supported if it doesnt affect balance

I'm counting this as not supported then lol.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 23:18:09)


Supported if it doesn't affect balance

lol, of course it will not affect balance, this is not delta phase anymore, so i count that as support.,

Fortitudo -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 23:53:33) made the game more balanced by removing extra stats from varium players. Now, you want to give varium players more stats and you call that balanced?


DeathiZClarity -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 23:55:40)


Most of the Varium only items released in packages and a lot of Varium rares from the past contain unique cores that can be very useful! That can be considered an advantage in itself, if you use it with a build that supports it!

Thank you Lycan! You speak the truth, this is an edge, but not OP. Take your advantage, or leave it. Stop complaining, atleast you have a SLIGHT advantage, with the right build.
And no, variums ARE NOT useless, to all of you who think so, to you people that spend all your time playing ED, some of us have lives, working, cleaning the yard, around the house, family support, family problems, ect.Variums= getting items instantly, cred= working for them. I bet the majority of you that said 'i will never buy vars ever again' are lying, I bet you have already bought some.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Varium Only Weps (2/10/2013 23:59:40)

@Fortitudo you serious? its varium only weapons not varium only weapons with more stats, remember all the varium only weapons in delta are now changed to also have a credit option, i just want a few cool looking weapons that only the variums can use.

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