Remorse -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.5.1 - February 9, 2013 (2/9/2013 2:09:10)
@trans I have quit, The very first day infact, after I got extremely bored of using a STR build, Tried to find other creative ones to challenge them, failed ( yes I could beat them, but COULD is a relative term, I shouldn't rely on starting and luck nor should counters specifically designed for STR builds fail.) and lost all my credits. I know it has been said that they are gonna nerf them, I'm predicting however that whatever they decide to do will NOT be enough, They should NOT be hoping to return STR balance to delta standard, they should be trying to change it to EASILY counter-able with any class WITHOUT luck standard. ( YES THE BIGGEST NERF IN ED HISTORY, except of coarse the TLMS) It's funny STR builds now are basically like TLMS when they were first released, they dominated so easily and were outrageously overpowered. It took however OVER 6 MONTHS! to sufficiently nerf them and I DO NOT want to wait that long for the same thing to happen to STR. Im just hoping if people like myself come across as VERY STRONG on this matter, then perhaps it will make a difference to the speed and priorities of the changes. If people dont come on strong now, then they never will and the devs might think they've actually got it right.... At least that's the explanation I see for TLMs taking so long.