Mighty Shadow Roc (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Mighty Shadow Roc (2/10/2013 5:17:08)

Mighty Shadow Roc
Also see Shadow Roc.

Light Element
Level	103	118	133	148	
XP	66119	236008	863451	3220358
Gold	13224	47201	172689	644073
Power	3.75	3.75	3.75	3.75
Melee	93	97	101	105
Ranged	83	87	91	95
Magic	93	97	101	105
EstHP	1360	1650	1960	2290
EstMP	600	670	740	810

STR	200	200	235	270
DEX	200	200	220	245
INT	0	0	0	0
END	0	0	0	0
CHA	0	0	0	0
LUK	115	190	210	225
Fire	115	115	115	115
Water	85	85	85	85
Wind	70	70	70	70
Ice	115	115	115	115
Earth	130	130	130	130
Energy	85	85	85	85
Light	-50	-50	-50	-50
Dark	-50	-50	-50	-50
  • Can dodge an attack that was originally supposed to have landed a hit*.
  • Regenerates «» SP per turn.
  • If it has at least «» SP, it spends that much and unleashes a shadowy screech, for increased damage.

    *The roc flies out of reach of your attack!
    Level	103	118	133	148	
    Regen	74	83	92	101
    SP Cost	358	424	493	567
    This shadow has taken on the appearance of a roc! And to make matters worse, this one seems a lot stronger than normal shadow creatures....

    Basic stats thanks to Suikoman444. Updated stats thanks to In Media Res.

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