Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (Full Version)

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The Incredible Hulk -> Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/13/2013 17:06:32)

Which phase do you think is similar to Omega? And why?

I think Delta is similar because, in beta, it was much fun and a variety of funky and unique builds that you can do. Even a random build could work.

In gamma, which I haven't played much of as I took a break from this phase, is that I think it 'ok', not to bad but not too good.
In delta, it was about OP builds getting nerfed alot such as smoke on TLM (Nerfed at December 14th), I'm not saying its bad or good but for credit players, they think that the game has gotten ruined because of enhancements.

In Omega, to me, it feels like delta, The same old, I hope this phase does get better ;P, but to me even though Omega doesn't have enhancements, it just feels the same to me (Except Adrenaline not working).

And I haven't played the Alpha phase xD, I wonder if that phase was the best ;D.

If I went back in-time, I would play the beta phase out of all the other phases ;D. It was so much fun.

Maybe I'm finding this game boring because I have played since along time.
Maybe its a similar style to a phase which should be unique to every other phase (Yeah, I know Omega does have Cores, but I have used it before such as Chairman Fury in delta ;P or modifying stats etc.).

Maybe...Who knows.......

Darkeroid -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 3:43:56)

I haven't played Alpha, but a joined early Beta(6 months before merger) and I can say that Beta after the merger was EPIC. Gamma was kinda good. Delta stunk. I can compare Omega to Gamma. Not too bad not too good.

Hatsuka -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 4:03:33)

I Couldn't compare it though, I believe earlier Omega feels like Early beta.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 7:22:26)

The battles are either very long or very short, sounds like beta to me.

theholyfighter -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 8:38:25)

With the Str abusers it's like Beta to me

qnaki100 -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 9:30:55)

please return Gamma Bot,Gamma Bike and Energy Eggzooka

kaj -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 10:41:45)

yeah pretty much like beta to me.

Killer666 -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 11:56:45)

Well since im only one of the few who played in all the phases, i would say its closer to Alpha, Variums are almost equal (there wasnt varium back then) and all the builds are ALOT more diverse

AxeOFury -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 12:14:10)

Nothing like beta. Possibly the str merc part, but I see no heal loops, and no original builds.

f4tal1tY -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/14/2013 13:38:15)

No original builds, all full on stat abuse builds, require no skill/strategy to play well. Kinda seems like a strength BM Delta Stage, wouldn't you say so? The builds dominating are extremely similiar, only less stat abuse as there aren't enhancements anymore (Caster/Strength Merc), and battles against these builds are quick as hell...

Nub Apocalypse -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 0:02:21)

I didn't play in Alpha so I don't know too much about it, but out of all the other phases I can tell you Beta was probably the phase with the least original builds.

nico0las -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 0:22:11)

In terms of actual battles, I'd say just before and early merge. There were very few restraints on builds, you could do pretty much anything.
For some reason, though, this phase reminds me of Gamma. I have no idea why.

Samurai_ED -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 15:04:18)


ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 15:36:03)

What builds can be considered "original" at this point? I bet a lot of the builds used today would have been considered completely original back in beta. Most builds have already been thought of and tried, original is now just using builds that are not mainstream for the time being.

Liz Vicious -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 15:40:46)

It's got a Beta vibe in my opinion. Regardless of technical stat/build stuff (we will be here all night otherwise) It's all about who goes first and quick battle factors. It's a shame those battles are taken far to seriously, unlike Beta...;)

Oba -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 15:59:05)

I dont think its even close to beta. Early delta I would say, when str TLM ruled the game.

AxeOFury -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 18:23:57)


I can tell you Beta was probably the phase with the least original builds.


FishNoobCrack -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 19:42:03)


I can tell you Beta was probably the phase with the least original builds.

...Your kidding, right?

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/15/2013 19:44:36)

Never played Beta and Alpha but I did play Delta for a good half year or so, I enjoyed it the only problem I had were credit enhance prices, who op'd for this omega change anyway? The problems I heard from other non vars was varium varium varium mass and infernal robot and of course credit enhancements.

Nub Apocalypse -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/16/2013 2:01:34)

Yes really, early Beta had no enhancements (limited stats), 1 less skill in the skill tree, no focus. The only viable merc builds were Str, Tank and Support. All BHs were poison massacre. TMs had the most variation but the majority were casters or support. At least with Gamma and later, there was Focus, then there were builds based on extremely high energy and there were builds based purely on unblockables. Because most people didn't play in Beta, it is viewed as the all great era and all. And those who did play probably are unaware it's not any better because when reminiscing of the past, you would normally initially have a positive mindset, and thus subconsciously relate the past with the good. I am a Beta and one of the few who could fairly say that Beta was not really any better than the other phases. The only thing Beta had over the others to me was that I was new to the game (so I wasn't tired of it yet), not as much money had to spent and most of my friends were active. Other than that, I would say gameplay in the later phases were certainly more entertaining than Beta.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/16/2013 10:21:23)

Heal looping TMs, support BHs, and strength mercs were the major innovations of beta. Credited to Xendran, Lightmare, and Illuminator (I think?).

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (2/16/2013 11:26:20)

hmm well omega felt abit like beta/ pre enhancements. well if they return wep requirements,multi skill to hit 100% on 2 people and heal back to improving with support it would almost be like beta. haha i dun think that would happen but anyways omega is certainly better than delta IMHO.

ahh support bh really miss using that build. very interesting build to use back in beta.

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