hijinks -> Different variations of guns. (2/14/2013 20:14:59)
This might seem silly, but I was wondering if we could have more weapons or even random objects to use as a sidearm besides guns kinda like that book gun thingy. Maybe we can have things like throwing a crumpled piece of paper at an enemy, or even a chair! How about ninja stars or even balls of energy like those NPC only weapons.
Fortitudo -> RE: Different variations of guns. (2/14/2013 21:22:01)
Isn't the Rabble book supposed to be kinda special?
Still, I think this would be cool.
G4m3r -> RE: Different variations of guns. (2/15/2013 11:43:28)
Rabblefroth´s gun is already in-game but only for who help Epicduelwiki