Give houses credit option (Full Version)

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Samurai_ED -> Give houses credit option (2/16/2013 12:06:49)

I think they should give houses a credit option also. Obviously not for a low amount of credits.

Betabot. -> RE: Give houses credit option (2/16/2013 12:12:26)

I don't support this. Even though I am a non-varium, I still believe some things should stay varium only. BTW there is a house you can buy with credits already. It's "Infernal Apartment" and it costs 40k.

Vagaran -> RE: Give houses credit option (2/16/2013 12:14:18)

Not supported either, Varium is already nearly useless. Houses should remain one of the Varium perks.

Waxor9001 -> RE: Give houses credit option (2/16/2013 12:43:45)

Unsupported, Varium users should keep some advantages.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Give houses credit option (2/16/2013 14:45:51)

its a varium perk, varium has already lost most of its value, unless you want epicduel to shutdown, you would not support this.

FishNoobCrack -> RE: Give houses credit option (2/16/2013 14:47:28)

No, should remain as a varium luxury.

Warmaker04 -> RE: Give houses credit option (2/16/2013 14:51:11)

Well Samurai since nobody is supporting, u know the result.
If you dont want to have lag, go in biodome ( or some cool place on world 7 or 8 ) and ur work is done. No lag, no needs a house.
If u want to do parties, go into a other player`s home.

Varium is pretty much useless now so also

* N o T S u P p O r T e D *

Samurai_ED -> RE: Give houses credit option (2/16/2013 15:01:05)

Yeah i got the answer, You all made me change my mind also xD

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