What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (Full Version)

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My Name is Jake -> What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 2:39:30)

Do you think it would be a good idea if you're missing weapons or armour and above level 15 you shouldn't be allowed to do 2v2?
I think it's a good idea because it ruins fights especially if ur missing an armour.

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Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 2:42:39)


That would be discriminating the less-equipped people.
They have equal rights to go in a 2vs2.

I understand why you want it tho, im also sick of these people.
I always rage if i get one as partner, but i always tell them they need to go NPC for some weps.
Most of the time they actually listen, so try that.

But there isnt much to do about it, sadly tho

Mother1 -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 2:45:55)

Not supported in the least. this would hurt everyone more then it would help them.

1 fights would take longer
2 Jugs will get less opponents
3 players without gear will be forced to 1 vs 1 if they don't want to NPC grind or can't do it successfully.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 2:52:18)

Technically, we all have an armor now, and it's impossible to be missing one...
But maybe above level 25 or so, because if you don't have full equipment at that time, you made some serious mistakes with your account

As much as I would love this, not supported, because as was said, it would be discrimination

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 2:53:52)


this would hurt everyone more then it would help them.

Thats not entirely true.

It helps the people who got stuck with one of those less-equiped people.
But the 3 points are true tho

FishNoobCrack -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 3:05:21)

As long as I would love for this to be implemented (Due to the fact that I have terrible luck with partners), no.
This will only make finding players take EVEN longer, and that would mean that most lower levels cannot 2v2, especially considering the fact that weapons cost 5k+ at that level.

My Name is Jake -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 3:07:27)

What about having basic sidearms and aux?

f4tal1tY -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 3:15:14)

Lol greedy side of me really wants this, but really? No, this is just plain selfish...

Like mother1 stated:

1 fights would take longer
2 Jugs will get less opponents
3 players without gear will be forced to 1 vs 1 if they don't want to NPC grind or can't do it successfully.

I would also like to add that people can easily farm for credits now (unlimited npc), so to all those out there with no gear, get farming!

Darkwing -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 3:19:45)

no, but I would support if your partner gets a temporary primary/gun/bazooka/armor only for the battle, if he has none.

f4tal1tY -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 3:28:32)

@above then what the hell is the point of farming for credits to buy new gear? And it wouldn't make a difference, cuz the gears stats won't be customised to the build. Just farm for what you want...

My Name is Jake -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 3:41:47)


That would be discriminating the less-equipped people.
They have equal rights to go in a 2vs2.

@BlitzexIf you ask me you should have no missing equipment at higher levels.
also in Omega you don't need to buy lots of different weps for different stats it's easier to afford all of the equipment.
Having starting sidearms and aux would help i think


1 fights would take longer
2 Jugs will get less opponents
3 players without gear will be forced to 1 vs 1 if they don't want to NPC grind or can't do it successfully.

@Mother1 I don't think fights taking longer is a bad thing or a problem and most of the time everyone has all their weps so it won't be longer than most fights.
doubt juggs would get a lot less opponents most players do have all equipment. don't know tho.
i think havign starting sidearms and aux would be a good idea


Lol greedy side of me really wants this, but really? No, this is just plain selfish...

@f4tal1tY It's greedy and selfish to want 2v2 to be more fair instead of sometimes getting a partner missing equipment making it easier win for the other side? this is news to me

f4tal1tY -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 3:45:02)

@above haha sadly everyone has an equal chance of getting placed with partners with missing equips, so, no, its not selfish of me. It is certainly not greedy and selfish to keep it fair. Really? Teach me how you think master!

Mother1 -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 4:15:18)

@ jake

By doing this it would take longer because you are cutting players out of the playing pool. We already have the following cutting out of the player pool.

1 people talking and hanging out at hangout spots such as OZ 7
2 Players out of your level range of dueling
3 Players doing 1 vs 1 fights
4 players doing juggernaut matches
5 players doing other 2 vs 2 matches.

Those right there cut into our playing pool when we are looking, and now you want to add people not fully equipped to it as well? There are many players who are saving for an aux they like or something else they like and they should suffer just because someone else wants to exclude them because they aren't fully equipped? Sound very selfish to me. People play 2 vs 2 because the rewards are greater, or because they like it. they shouldn't have to suffer because they are missing a piece of gear.

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 5:36:57)

Not going to make a 10 page argument just going to state my personal opinion.

If I were to change this I would make it if you have only a primary meaning no robot, no sidearm, no auxiliary you should be pared up against people 5 ~ 7 levels below you to give you a fighting chance. This would go for both 2v2 and 1v1. Even at 5 ~ 7 levels higher with only a primary their arguably still on par with you.

Edit : Of course this will be implemented after level 15.

Banir -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 12:22:41)

This wouldn't solve much. Some players with no aux can be better than people with all equipment. It's not a matter of how many weapons you have, but how many stats you have in the weapons.

the final hour -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/17/2013 13:47:39)

^ sad but true sometimes

i sorta see where the OP is coming from with this is kinda disheartening to say the least when your level 35 fully equipped . and you get into 2v2 to find ur facing 2 level 35s fully equiped with a level 31 /32 partner with on ly a basic weapon with no stats / and minimum base damage . insta dead its extremely annoying .

i see other peoples points about it being unfair . but its also unfair on the partner of the unequiped partner whos either getting killed through them , or has alot more work to do through them.

arthropleura -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/18/2013 2:30:47)

Equipment isnt really the problem for me. I just feel that the majority of players lack... tactical sense? Ive made it through several battles with underequipped players who either listen or are smart. Ditchers and fools give me more trouble than anything else.
Maybe im just awesome :p

theholyfighter -> RE: What do you guys think about no 2v2 if your missing equipment? (2/18/2013 6:58:28)

Not restricting them from doing 2vs2...

How about this:
Players with two equipment of any kind gets paired in a match.

Players with at least three equipment of any kind gets paired in a match.

(Currently there are 5 equipment: Primary, Sidearm, Auxiliary, Armor, and Robot.)

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