Faction re-name (Full Version)

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SouL Prisoner -> Faction re-name (2/17/2013 12:58:01)

Well I am sure this feature might have been suggested in past, but it isn't in the frequently suggested category yet, so trying to get into ...

I am sure many faction founders would like to try some different name for their faction, but unfortunately cannot and neither can make a new faction just for a different name ...

So wouldn't t be awesome if you could just change its name ..

What do u guys think :)

Vorctic -> RE: Faction re-name (2/17/2013 14:08:45)

Supported, but it should cost a lot of credits or some varium.

Vagaran -> RE: Faction re-name (2/17/2013 14:10:35)

Supported! I'm sure alot of people don't want to find all the members of they're clan just because you wanted to re-name it and had to disband it....

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Faction re-name (2/17/2013 14:41:45)

free, but you can only change it once per year

blade98 -> RE: Faction re-name (2/17/2013 15:14:16)

Supported ,it should cost depending on influence / how old the faction is / how many members it has. Anyways..the hive forever <3

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