Special ''Fridays'' (Full Version)

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The Incredible Hulk -> Special ''Fridays'' (2/18/2013 5:06:33)

Every Friday, for an hour, there is a special credit bonus AND XP bonus AND token bonus for an hour. Because Friday is the last week day, it should be on that day. Same thing like when I used to go to school. There use to be 'Golden time' on friday which was the funnest days at school.

X3 credits
X2 token bonus

I think we need a special day to get even more of a bonuses.

IDK what time because a lot of us live in different counties. But it should be the time where the developers live since the game has been made from there. Maybe 3-4pm/4-5pm EST since people at Florida don't have school after that and can get more bonuses. This time can be good for England also.

Vagaran -> RE: Special ''Fridays'' (2/18/2013 5:12:36)

I don't support this as I think Power Hour is more than enough for a day + it would be unfair to those who lives in countries were it's late night at the time.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Special ''Fridays'' (2/18/2013 5:19:54)

No one can change time, but people at Florida should get more bonuses then us , as ED was created from there.

If they had a time where it wasn't specific to Florida then that won't be fair since ED was created from there.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Special ''Fridays'' (2/18/2013 5:37:20)

no not supported in the least, we already have power hour and that is enough

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