Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2013 22:13:57)
@Asuka Official Wiki: Axe Skeleton -- Missing 2 1-Unblockable cards Alpha Frostzard -- Has 3 5-Attacks, not 2 Bavaria -- Has only 1 Neutralize Blade Skeleton -- Has only 2 1-Attacks, 2 2-Attacks, 2 5-Attacks (The Wiki claims it's a "4-Attack", and that it costs 5 Shadow and does 4-Damage), it's missing 2 1-Unblockables, and only has 2 5-Shields Burn Mage -- Only has 2 Burns. EDIT: Sorry, did not see that PM message. EDIT2: Ok sent you a PM, Asuka!