Boosters still disabled (Full Version)

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Hun Kingq -> Boosters still disabled (2/18/2013 18:26:26)

Since the Boosters are still disabled then I suggest that EMP and Atom smasher to be disabled until the boosters can be used again.

Ranloth -> RE: Boosters still disabled (2/18/2013 18:32:51)

Boosters are getting revamped. Skills are not. Why should 2 items that are useable to everyone (and are temporarily disabled) destroy 5 classes by taking away their EP drain skill (Assimilate is also there)? Illogical. If you have trouble by losing EP in battle, don't rely on it & use Generator until then. Once boosters are back, you can use Generator AND boosters!

But no, they won't disable a skill because boosters are getting revamped. It's pointless. Should they also disable Heal because HP booster is gone? Seriously.

Mother1 -> RE: Boosters still disabled (2/18/2013 19:21:02)

Not supported in the least.

one this would affect all classes but tech mage and blood mage. Also even if they did do this we still have cores that remove energy anyways. If you are having energy issues then use the generator core it restores up to 25 energy depending on how much armor resist you have.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Boosters still disabled (2/18/2013 21:14:14)

Mother1, Can 25 points of energy replace 30 points stolen or even 42. Have you not forgotten blood Mage do not have energy regain and you want to force the Blood mage to put all points of energy to just gain 25 points leaving that player without any extra defense what do you suggest when they get smoked put on reflex boost that have been failing without being smoked.

This suggestion is just temporary until they get things straighten out.

Mother1 -> RE: Boosters still disabled (2/18/2013 21:42:12)

@ hun

Bounty hunter and merc don't have energy regain either if you want to look at it that way so what is your point?

Besides I run into a lot of builds out there that have Massacre, and those highly powerful moves that require energy to use. Taking away my energy removals will be putting me, and anyone else who has them at a disadvantage against these builds and for what? Just because blood mage is the second weakest class to energy drain? (with merc being the first since bounty hunter and blood mage have reflex boost) Sound kind of selfish to me.

arthropleura -> RE: Boosters still disabled (2/18/2013 23:22:18)

blood mage will probably least benefit from this you realise
str mercs
massacre builds

theholyfighter -> RE: Boosters still disabled (2/19/2013 7:13:36)

Saw the first sentence and the answer "NO" popped out right after.

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