King FrostLich -> Max massacre high health CH destroying 1v1 balance. (2/20/2013 6:51:58)
Those with the Azrael promo are pretty much getting pure easy wins unless a strength user can go first to defeat them. Honestly, all I see is this strategy: 1.) Malfunction 2.) Bazooka(usually has high support to medium) 3.) Gun(Azrael's Will) This incapacitates anyone from moving your character therefore you are left vulnerable. 4.) Massacre = Dead So far as a CH as well, this build is the only thing I cannot counter against. Even if you were a BM with resistance shield given a moderate amount of resistance, the massacre part is unavoidable because of the gun. And it shouldn't it be obvious that formula calculated for strength should be changed back to the OLD FORMULA because it determines the total damage rather than just the weapon damage?