RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (Full Version)

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Rayman -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 15:25:11)

You can't lose your actual name, unless you are lvl 1, 1 year without playing and no rare stuff.

Edit: Ninja'Ed By Moose.

Demon Emperor -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 15:55:48)

Where should we post our screenshots? The ED Videos and Screenshots thread in the GD?

Edit: Never mind, found it in the Official Contests thread.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 16:02:16)

May the Alpha players who are level 1, no wins, and haven't played since alpha be deleted?

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 16:38:49)

Oh my god...
I am going to buy varium again D:
I don't even want to play... But I want a certain name

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 16:56:26)

Yes I am yeti! I have a spare 1400 var to change classes :D

zion -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 16:58:59)

I hope those old 0 win alpha players are deleted, they have the best names.

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 17:06:23)

Can we request a full list of swept names to be posted somewhere? It helps to know what is available.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 17:18:38)


I hope those old 0 win alpha players are deleted, they have the best names.

They won't get deleted

Charfade -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 17:25:01)


@Depressed Void Can we request a full list of swept names to be posted somewhere? It helps to know what is available.

hmmm, I'm not sure if that's actually possible. I assume a script will be written to remove X names off the list that met our criteria of names to be removed. Rabble might chime in on this though since I'm not exactly %100. I guess for now, if there is a name your interested in. write it down and just check it after the release.

Trae -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 19:41:53)

so ready hope i get in the top 100 good luck

upgradefire -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 22:24:50)

so is it going to be the top 97 str mercs and 3 random classes thrown in

Rayman -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/20/2013 22:35:18)

Depends on the lastest balance update.

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 0:18:18)

They should release it a few days after the balance update.

Just my 2 cents.

Sir Xander -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 0:36:58)

how many people even have the omega ticket?
cant be much more than 100 people can it?

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 0:49:32)

@ xander

I don't know honestly. I am willing to bet there are more then 100 people with the ticket. I mean the preordered was out since decemeber 21 and out of about a month and a half.

ND Mallet -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 0:52:22)

I believe there's maybe 15+ people on the forums who have it. And since this isn't even 10% of the entire game population, I'd say we probably have a few hundred players eligible to compete. I'd assume 80% of those can and will compete in the tournament so a rough guess of 200-300 combatants seems about right.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 2:49:13)

I guess its round 700. Out of which 100 players are super hardcore. for the rest, Better Luck NEXT TIME!

The 2-1 offer stayed for way too long ...

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 8:12:06)

cool i am up for the challenge i guess

rayniedays56 -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 8:18:53)

Wasnt there a thread that showed all the participants. Im one, by the way.

DestruRaGe -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 10:01:00)

Waiting for balance update. Just please try not to destroy some class with these changes.

Dimentic -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 11:03:00)

700 with golden ticket? Hardly doubt it. I guess around 200 people have it. Can't wait to see what they will do to varium.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 12:49:33)

^Lol.. in your dreams ..

I have seen hundreds of low level players with omega weapons .. imagine the high lvl players ..

For simple survey, count all the players from all time leader board .. 95% of them has it ..

It gonna be a hardcore tournament ..

ReinVI -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 13:10:33)

@ soul but how many of those bought the pre order? remember people still bought the omega weapons when they weren't together so they only got one wep/bot element etc )

zion -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 15:27:13)

The new cores weren't properly balanced and it needs to be fixed ASAP - before the GYT.

Oba -> RE: =ED= February 19, 2013 - The Golden Yeti Cometh (2/21/2013 15:41:09)

700 players with the yeti tournament ticket? I can bet my a...ccount on that its not over 250, maximum. Probably even less. Have it even been 700 varium users through the life time of ED? xD

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