Hey can Ed make a new wa y of getting credits (Full Version)

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Faisal1234567890 -> Hey can Ed make a new wa y of getting credits (2/20/2013 13:37:02)

I have played Marvel:Avengers Alliance , and saw a great way of earning silver(for Ed credit) I think there should be a deploy type mission where the players can sent their characters to deploy missions like there will be a timer like 6 hour ,9 hour, 12 hour , 24 hours so like 35 will get 1000 if they set 24 hour and 400 if 12 like this it will descend they missions should be available from level 25 - 35 or 30 - 35

G4m3r -> RE: Hey can Ed make a new wa y of getting credits (2/20/2013 14:01:50)

I donīt know why too, for example in AQW is too easy to get the game-currency (gold, ED credits).

DeathiZClarity -> RE: Hey can Ed make a new wa y of getting credits (2/20/2013 14:19:33)

^ lol yeah, i have 3,120,512 gold in AQWorlds, and hardly spend any of it. Cuase you mainly earn items in AQWorlds, not buy.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Hey can Ed make a new wa y of getting credits (2/20/2013 16:26:43)

Not supported? Mainly because the devs want this game to be difficult and require some skill. It would be too easy to log in and accept one of these missions then log out, then claim your reward the next day.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Hey can Ed make a new wa y of getting credits (2/21/2013 0:01:36)

AQW is a easy game, even a 8 year old can play, there is hardly any competition or strategy in that game, however ED is completely different, even though it is turning into a somewhat dress up game, it still requires strategy and the understanding of stats/skills to win, and ED items are more complicated than AQW items, there is alot more animation sequences on items in ED, plus its' theme and story line is set on a planet ruled by a tyrant not a good king like in AQW, so it only makes sense for credits to be hard to earn.

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