The Reaper's Associate (Full Version)

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Arthur -> The Reaper's Associate (2/20/2013 15:15:36)

The Reaper's Associate


"Chris...!!!" Alexander shouted into the transponder. "Damn you..!"

He twirled his twin foot long steel daggers in his palms impatiently as he stood on a building's roof, rain lashing down on his solitary figure as he looked down below at the deserted street, concern etched on his face dripping with water.

With a motion of his right thumb, he flipped a tiny switch on his Earpiece and changed the channel.

"John, are you there?"

Alexander couldn't hear his own voice in the rain.

After a short while, a response came from the other end. The man called John spoke in a heavy, raspy voice as if he was exhausted.

"Alex, where's Chris? I can't get him on my end."

"Neither can I. Where's Dad?"

"He's right here. Switch to Channel Grey."

Alexander once again flipped a switch on his Earpiece.

"Dad, are you alright?"

"Alex?? I can't believe that you're still there-"
Before the old man could speak another word, Alex cut in.

"Dad, it was an ambush. They knew all along, those heathens."

"Heathens?" A clear, heavy voice sounded behind Alex causing him to whirl around almost instantly.

There, a mere few feet from him stood a massive, hulking figure dressed all in blue and with a hood covering his face. He seemed to be holding something over his left shoulder, or rather, someone.

"I believe I have something that belongs to you, Alexander Grey." The figure said, amused as he heaved the thing off his shoulder and threw it out in front of him. It was a body.

"Would you be so kind so as to keep your dogs away from our land?" The figure spoke again before suddenly disappearing with the next flash of lightning.

Alexander stood alone once again, with a corpse lying in front of him and rain lashing down on him.

He slowly inched his way to the body as he kept his eyes on it searching for any movements. As he neared it, he stowed his daggers into their sheaths at the back of his belt and slowly came down on one knee.

Reaching out, he touched the black velvet shroud that covered the corpse and with one final ounce of effort, pulled it back.

Almost instantly, Alexander's eyes widened as his eyes fell on a familiar face, that of his friend, his support, his ally, his associate. A face all pale and cold, peaceful, as if asleep.



Arthur -> RE: The Reaper's Associate (2/22/2013 2:41:06)

Chapter 1
A Fresh Batch

A series of gentle knocks on the wooden double doors made sure to Director Raymond Gray that his man was here with the reports.

"Come in." Raymond said as he shut the file he was going through and moved it aside.

The doors swung open as a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and brownish hair wearing a simple three piece black suit ventured in, a black folder tightly clutched in his right hand. Shutting the door softly behind him, the man walked up to the mahogany table at the far end of the massive office, his feet making almost no noise on the carpeted office floor.

"Sir, the reports you asked for." Said the man in a somewhat nervous tone hastily holding out the black folder across the table.

"Thank you, Nicholas." Director Raymond smiled warmly as he took the folder and opened it.

All this while, the man, Nicholas kept glancing around the office, a somewhat awed expression on his face.

The walls of Raymond's office were sparkling white and all kinds of trophies, shields and plaques lined the wooden shelves. A massive portrait of an old man wearing a grey vest and a black coat hung behind the Director. It had a gold and red frame with an inner trim made of black wood. The man in it wore gold-rimmed spectacles and held a pipe in his left hand. Other paintings lined the walls as well, but none so grand as the portrait.

"My great grandfather, Sir Edgar Gray." Raymond started, noticing Nicholas' gaze. "He was the founding father of this House of Reapers and was also the first teacher. Although, he was himself not a Reaper, but rather, an Associate. Ironic, isn't it?"

"Ah. I wouldn't know what to say of him. He looks to be a man of the highest standing." Nicholas was startled at Raymond's question.

"Hmm... Yes, and so they say he was. His Reaper, however, was not quite so."

Raymond stared at the first page of the report before flipping the cover on and storing it in one of the drawers.

"In any case, the filing has been done very neatly, Nicholas. A job well done. You may leave now." Raymond once again smiled at Nicholas.

"Y...yes sir. Thank you." Nicholas turned around and started to leave.

"Oh. Just a minute." Raymond spoke up from his place causing Nicholas to jerk to a stop and whirl around on his spot. "Would you care to call Armand here if you see him?"

"Sir, Mr. Armand is down in the Entrance Hall receiving the new Associates."

"Ah. Is he now?" Raymond stood up from his chair straightening his suit and tie in the process.

"Then I better go join him."


The entrance hall to the House of Reapers was a massive affair. Chandeliers hung from the glass roof that provided one with a clear view of the sky. Wallpaper lined the walls which had small, golden spherical lights affixed at regular intervals. Paintings and mozaics were plenty and the floor had an azure carpet spread out through the middle from the front door all the way to the Main Hall.

As it happened, on that particular rainy night, dozens of young men and women had made the Entrance Hall their landing platform. Each of them wore a full raincoat and less than pleased expressions on their faces.

There were about 7 males and an equal number of females presently standing huddled in the Entrance Hall. As the guests took off their rather uncomfortable raincoats, complaints and remarks steadily flowed from their lips, be they about the weather, the transportation or just the general state of things.

It was then that an old man with greying hair and a face devoid of any expression entered the Hall bearing a tiny golden bell in his gloved hands. He wore black trousers and a tailcoat which looked moth-eaten.

When none of the newcomers seemed to pay him any heed, he raised his tiny bell and shook it vigorously until it's unnaturally shrill sound filled the Hall and kept rising in its intensity.

"For God's sake, stop with that awful ringing." One of the boys turned from the crowd to face the man.

Hands went up to shield ears as the man in the tailcoat kept on with his somewhat earsplitting ringing which had now reached a nearly unbearable high.

"ENOUGH...!!!" A girl screamed upon when, the man stopped.

As the last of the ringing faded, only the muffled sound of rain could be heared falling on the roof.

All eyes were fixed on the man, or rather, his "tiny" bell with its devastating capabilities.

"Sound..." the man finally spoke, and in a tone that was raspy and surprisingly strong. " my forte."

"What?!?" A boy blurted out, confusion clearly etched on his young face.

An expression of amusement spread over the man's face.

"My name," he started again, "is Armand. I am the butler and I do welcome you all to the House of Reapers. Mr. Raymond, our Director will join you shortly."

"Wait, House of what...?!?" A voice reached Armand's ears.

"The House of Reapers, dear Associates."

"Reapers? Associates? What is this nonsense?" A blonde girl spoke up, visibly angry.

"You'll see soon." Armand coolly replied.

A series of distant tapping sounds made him turn his head a bit to the right.

"Ah. They are here."

*** ***

Arthur -> RE: The Reaper's Associate (3/8/2013 3:50:04)

Chapter 2

Questions and Answers

Heavy leather boots fell on the polished marble floor as four figures, all garbed in black cloaks and wearing hoods walked into the Entrance Hall and stood side by side behind Armand looking at the confused and angry recruits.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Armand started as he stepped aside to give the crowd a clear view of the newcomers that had just stepped in. “Allow me to introduce you to the Reapers.”
Silence reigned as the crowd carefully examined the four hooded figures standing across from them.
After a while, Armand reached into his coat pocket and drew forth two sheets of paper wherein were scribbled names. He then cleared his throat and spoke.

“Associates, on behalf of our gracious Host…”

“…Who is now here.”
A familiar voice interrupted Armand’s speech as Sir Raymond stepped into the Entrance Hall and walking past the Reapers, stood in front of the still confused crowd of young men and women.

“I believe there is some explaining that needs to be done before we can get on with The Forming.” Sir Raymond smiled warmly as he scanned the crowd. “However, I believe we are missing someone here, Armand?”

“Ah. Yes, sir. We are indeed missing one but I cannot tell which one since I haven’t done a roll call yet. I believe he should be arriving here any moment now.”

“Hmm… The weather can be quite a hindrance sometimes...” Sir Raymond looked up at the glass roof where raindrops continued to patter down incessantly. “especially so on a day such as this.”

“Excuse me, sir?” A boy spoke up from the crowd. “I really must be going now. My parents must be really worried.”

“Hmm..? Oh, yes, of course. If either of you feel that coming here was nothing but a severe waste of time, then please be my guests. But remember, you will have missed out on a great opportunity should you step out.”

“I…I am sure I wouldn’t miss anything noteworthy. Thank you, sir.” So saying, the boy turned and headed for the double doors.

“What might your name be, son?” Sir Raymond called out to the leaving boy.

“It’s Arthur.” The boy halted to a stop. “Arthur Finn.”

He opened the door and left.

There was silence for a moment, then another girl announced her name, turned around and left followed by another, and another and in this manner, eight of the Associates left, leaving just six.

“Would anyone else like to leave?” Sir Raymond’s face was still calm and cool.

No one budged.

“Good then, allow me to explain to you why it is that we’ve called you here.”
Sir Raymond cleared his throat and started.

“The House of Reapers is centuries old. We have been around since the medieval times, when Kings and Knights still ruled the lands of Europe. Back then, we used to pass as common mongrels, bounty hunters, assassins, wanderers and other such despicable criminals. What they did back then was not crime, but the work they were meant to do as Reapers.”

“And what was that?” A girl spoke up.

“Reaping. Our job requires us to reap lost souls so that they are not left in eternal torment.”

“What a load of rubbish…!” A boy blurted out. “Reaping souls? That’s the worst thing I’ve heard all day.”

“But surely it is very easy to reap lost souls, isn’t it?” A boy wearing glasses spoke calmly.

“You are mistaken.” Sir Raymond held up his finger. “Not all souls are docile. Some need to be put down before they can be caught.”

“What are souls, exactly?” A girl asked. “Do you mean ghosts or wisps?”

“You are partly right, Miss.” Sir Raymond smiled. “You see, ghosts, spirits and wisps are but mere apparitions, projections born of a dead body. To be a bit more specific, there is no difference in ghosts and spirits. Ghost is a word we give to spirits. To answer your question, a Soul is one’s inner being that is shaped by one’s feelings, experiences and deeds. A person can either have a good soul, or a bad one depending upon how he has lived his life. There is no telling how one’s soul might change the next moment. A bad soul might very well become a good one. So there.”

“And the Reapers hunt the bad Souls?”

“No, there are Souls that are worse than bad, we call them the Tormented. These souls are very powerful and only a few of these exist. It usually requires more than one Reaper to bring them down but most of the time, if you are careful, one would do. Any questions?”
There was no question now. As Sir Raymond was about to continue, a boy raised his hand.


“I have a question. What do we have to do?”

“Associates, as you’ll see in the coming days play a major role in this battle. You see, an Associate is born with a curious defect in their DNA that alters their body in many ways. We call this defect, the Reaper Strain. Those that have this defect possess certain talents. You possess those talents. And now that you are here, we will teach you to use them.”
There was a bit of murmuring among the six as they discussed.

“Anyways,” Sir Raymond clapped his hands. “Shortly, we shall be assigning you to your Reapers who will be your teachers, your guides and your allies…”

“Wait a minute…!” Another boy interrupted. “What of our parents? Do they know?”

“They have been informed. Rest assured.” Sir Raymond smiled. “Armand, if you would kindly initiate the Forming.”

“At once, sir.”


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