RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (Full Version)

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CakeMaster -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/24/2013 10:55:22)

Hai James!
Hi CakeMaster! Interesting name, btw haha :)

Do you liek Cake?
Why, as a matter of fact, I do! :D

Here, have some! *shoves some cake in James' face*
*muffled thank you as he noms on the cake*

How do you feel about Dage Le Evil?
Ungrateful traitor... *hisses*

What is your Power Animal?
The Buck

When do you think Nully will conquer the entire world? And do you support him?
Eventually, my friend. Of course! I am but a lowly servant in the grand scheme of things

Why are zombies yellow?
All that rotting ruins one's complexion!

BONUS QUESTION: Is anything purple, evil (such as your text color)?
Not all, but some!

Well, I think that's enough for now......... but I lieked asking you questions!
Leaving so soon? Au revoir! I enjoyed answering them :)

And one more thing, Congrats on your Kewl AKship!
Thanks very much :D

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/24/2013 13:10:29)

Hello again.

So, I has a few more questions:
Fire away :)

Please explain your choices about the pony questions I asked earlier.
Derpy Hooves is just funny and great comic relief! I find myself identifying with some of Discord's craziness, madness and scheming :P (very rarely, but I identify with him nonetheless XD) and Princess Celestia is reasonable, which I am most of the time :P Hoity Toity reminds of the fashion industry and how pretentious it can sometimes be so I like to view him as a character put in to lampoon the industry as a whole.

Also, since you like Celestia more then Luna, we are now mortal enemies. DOWN WITH THE SUN TYRANT! THE MOON SHALL REIGN SUPREME! (Throws James Lu into the Elemental Plane of Light, since he's a Servent of The Dark Lord)
Sun Tyrant!? Blasphemy! *shields eyes* Noooooo.... *hisses*

On a more serious note. I notice you havew two alligences going on: One to The Dark Lord Nulgath, and one to The Purple Lady Mirtha. If it came down to it, who would you side with?
Loyal as I am to Nulgath, my soul is the property of milady Mritha. I shan't cross her lest I wish to be vapourised

That's all, bye. (Unless I edit it some more of course)
Righto, I look forward to any further questions you have for me :) Bye now!

EpicCoconut -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/24/2013 13:25:29)

Second page I see, so hi again. So ready for some personal, awkward trivial and light-hearted questions?
Indeed, welcome back :)

You said you loathe em Barbies with all your heart in the last page, but would you like to play as one?
No, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!

Favorite element to play with?


I didn't realize you serve Nulgath before...
Surely the title would have been a giveaway :P

You realize that I'll have to kill to avenge myself right?
Serve him and you shall enjoy great power...

Oh and before I do, can you tell me where the Archfiend lurks?
I shan't

Is there a way to break a contract with the Dark Lord? When will he eat your soul?
Not that I know of... my soul is not for his consumption!

That's it for now, bye.
Alrighty, farewell!

Voidrix -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/24/2013 14:23:30)

G'day,james Lu.
G'day mate! :)

C'gratz on the Archknight-ship.
Cheers :D

Alright,here goes the question marathon brief list of questions.
question marathon? D:

1.If I forced you to choose between killing a brony or a minion of the dark lord,which one would you choose?(Note:None is not an allowed question [:)])
Brony... some of them can be quite obnoxious

2.Is there someone who sells Contracts for gold? [:-]
Not that I know of..

3.If Dage offered you to be his Second in Command,would you accept the offer?
NEVER! I will not serve that traitor!

Well,that's all. C'ya,James.
Leaving so soon? D: Bye now! *waves*

Tep Itaki -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/26/2013 1:39:50) escalated kinda quickly with those guys but I'll just ask you questions normally. How about that?
Indeed they did O.o I like your proposition, let's go with that

Hi James!
Hi Tep!

1. Were you surprised at the AKship offer?
Quite surprised and honoured at being offered the opportunity

2. Oooh, nice looking Avi you have there. What sort of being is it and where did it come from?
It's a demon butler! Not quite sure of its origins

3. What shall you do with your newfound powers?
To whack bad users!

4. Now about those chains...Color and why?
Purple, I am a member of the Purple Legion!

5. Who ensnared you?

6. How is life as an AK?
Hmmm... I don't ever have to bother figuring out what to cook, I get the same

7. Quick! What do you do w- *Tep runs by whooping* ....that happens...
*blinks* That's what I'd done

8. *Sees Artimix and Rixi chasing after their charcoal'd brother* Um...How awesome are you in the game Oversou- *Tep runs by again* ....Hold on *grabs Tep and kicks him back to the AQ universe* Oversoul
O.o Oh my

9. What are your fav characters in Oversoul?
Black Dragon, Founder Knight (don't have Founder Champion yet :P) and Taurus

10. Moving elsewhere off the gaming, I see you like Monkey D. Luffy as well. What would you do if the staffs created a parody of him? Laffy B. Crazy in AQ?
I'd definitely play that particular release without hesitation! :D
To the suggestion thread!

11. What is your favorite gaming system?
Retro: GameBoy Color Modern: Nintendo DS

12. What is your favorite game of said system?
Retro: Pokemon Gold Modern: Kingdom Hearts

13. Quickly! What is 1+1=?! If you say 2 you're wrong.
Hmmm... how about window? :P

14. What's your favorite Anime?
DragonBall Z

15. What's your favorite Manga?

16. And... *sees Artimix and Rixi* Oh right, I forgot about you two *sends them back to the AQ universe* You know...I forgot what I was gonna say >.>;;
They certainly love their unannounced visits!

Alright that's all I'm gonna say and here. *hands you a wedding dress* careful, that thing's dangerous >.> <.<
Aw, that's a shame. Thanks for popping by again. *takes dress* Uhhh... did you want me to dry clean that?

Axel459 -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/26/2013 1:48:44)

I'm is back >:D
Hiya! Welcome back

I'm not really sure why I came back .-.
To ask me more questions?

Um horses, why do you like horses?
They are quite majestic creatures and very intelligent

Is there any mythological creatures, monsters or characters that you hope to see in game?
Dragon, check. Minotaur, check... hmmm... maybe a Chimera? :D

Why does the moon always follow me D:
It is watching you!

*steals some of your DNA*
*takes back the extraction* Oi! No touching >:(

Don't worry I'm not going to use that for cloning or anything >_>
*destroys flask* Oh... you won't!

That shall be all *disappears again*
Au revoir


Megadragonknight -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/26/2013 3:12:24)

Good to meet you again.
And you as well

Time for more question about Nulgath and possibly Dage appearing in Oversoul.

First will be Nulgath.
Oh goody!

Give me 5 reasons why you like Nulgath so much?
He is great. That is all.

Will you battle your favourite master during the final battle in Oversoul?
If it comes down to it, yes.

Will you possess Nulgath?
It takes much power to possess a greater Archfiend...

Tell me, are you grateful to Nulgath for developing the game Oversoul for us to play and possess many characters?

Is it very awesome to possess Nulgath's minions like Frost Void, Void Reaper, Redemption Blade of Nulgath, Degore, Lich and many more?
Indeed it is, the power the Dark Lord has bestowed upon us is great!

Now on to Dage.
Ugh... must we?

Do you want Dage to appear in Oversoul, what would you do if he appear?
Not so much... possess his body for myself

Do you like Dage the Evil?
Not very much

If not, why?
He is a traitor

Do you you want battle Dage in Oversoul?
Yes, I eagerly await the day when I can

If you get to possess Dage, will you possess him?
I certainly would! >:D

Would it be awesome to possess Legion members like Laken, Blademaster, Undead Champion?
Of course, the Dark Lord needs more souls

Did i overexceed the question in my first post on second page?
No, statements don't count as questions :P

So long! I have no more question for you. [:D]
That's a shame! I enjoyed answering them. Goodbye! :)

odsey -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/26/2013 5:06:54)

Hello James, Congratulations on being a Ak. Now the question:
Hi odsey, thanks :) Oh goody!

1.What is better(in your opinion) Skyrim or Guild wars 2?
Skyrim has a level of depth that Guild Wars 2 doesn't, being a sandbox game, the artwork in both games is fantastic.

2.Do you play the new Dragonborn dlc?
I don't believe I have

3.Favorite character in AE universe?
Galanoth, he is as principled as Artix, but is willing to cast aside his predispositions for the greater good

4.What is the most Nulgathish game?

5.Why do you play oversoul?
I love card games and PVP MMOs, this is a good mid-ground

*Odsey disappear in a ashes while saying sent my regards to the dark lord.*
I shall, goodbye!

Vagaran -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/26/2013 9:59:08)

Page 2, WUUT!???? Time to ask MORE trolly questions!!!!
Aye, how time flies! :P

I can haz cake?
If you want

They're mouldy leftovers from last year's Christmas Party

U mad bro?
That's a prerequisite for the job, so yes :D

What do you think about Trobbles?
They're cute!

Needs more purple

Chicken sauce?
Yes, please

'Tis chicken sauce!

So I heard u liek moosekips?
What the dickens, who told you that? They need a good paddlin'

'Tis an abomination1

That's all for now, bye and gratz on AK ship!
Toodles and thanks again :)

100Rob123 -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/26/2013 17:30:30)

Hello there, new member of the AKdom!
Greetings, fellow mortal!

Do you enjoy the shiny buttons?
Yes... all the shinies *eyes buttons*

OVERSOUL! Gotta possess 'em all!
That could catch on... geddit? *snorts*

How may OS characters do you have?
I think I have around thirty characters all-in-all.

I want pie. Do you have pie?
Yes, they're about to mould so consume them quickly!

Well, thank you for answering my questions, and good luck!
'Twas a pleasure, thanks! :)

Skurge -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/27/2013 0:05:57)

- James Lu! Remember me?!
Hiya Scherzo, of course!

- No, no, no, I'm not here to hurt anyone..
*eyes carefully*

- Killed a few Darklord's for breakfast. *Sigh* I'm kinda' tired right now, y'know?
I see, I see... WHAT!?

- Ready to have your mind boggled?
Continue the sentence! D:

- Okay, first question (which will be related to the questions that follow): What's better? A slice of toast or nothing?

- I see.. Now, what's better than heaven?

- Did you say "Nothing"?! So a slice of toast is better than heaven? =o

- I've been facing a lot of Skexis Fiends lately, do you think a bottle of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane would help?
I dunno... they banned that stuff, how are you gonna acquire some?

- In terms of creativity, what do you think about my forum signature?
It's simple, but nice to see variation :)

- Done with annoyingly stupid questions as of now! See ya' later!
D: Ok, bai!


Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/27/2013 15:13:37)


?sdrawkcab snoitseuq gnipyt em tuoba leef uoy od woH
It's quite confusing, but I can read them :P

!emiT yoxC si siht esuaceb ,ti ekil uoy epoH
Alright! :D

?uoy rof gniog eseehc eht swoh oS
Do you mean San Robin or my rations?

?tenretni eht ssecca you stel taht gniht rouy fo etib a ekat I fi dnim uoY
My router? D:

?on, won uoy nettog sah seno elprup eht taht raeh I
Indeed, soon all shall be purple >:D

?O: syaw tahw ni dna yoxC ekil si 6 enaM eht fo hcihw, O: noitseuq ynop a you ksa I os ,ynorb a era uoy raeh I
Derpy Hooves? :P

?rehtorB ym si thginKhcrA hcihW
Mecha Mario, I think?

mia sekat dna nugtohs sbarg em/ ^_^ revO si emiT yoxC kniht I os ,won hguone truh si daeh ruoy kniht I
Yes... head hurts... *faints*

^_^ nuf evah uoy epoh ,thginKhcrA na gnimoceb rof ztargnoC
Thanks and I am :D

won yad emosewa na evaH
Will do, likewise to you

Mritha -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/28/2013 22:04:06)

*flies in with a whirlwind of purple* Evening.
*gazes at the purpleness* Evening milady!
I said it once and I'll say it again, I approve of your edit color. All shall fall to the Purple Legion!
YES! They shall all assimilate >:D
Favorite scent?
First line of defense?
A ground pepper shaker, great at paralysing people momentarily!
First weapon of choice?
Hmmmm... the jian
What is your opinion on Twilight's promotion and transformation in the latest episode?
Well, it took me by surprise! A new Princess... and those wings... O.o
Tis all for now. Welcome to the team :)
Danke schön :)

Finncollier -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/2/2013 4:45:46)

Greetings from the undead dungeon
Greetings ex-mortal!

Firstly are you okay with or soul being flayed by a lich
One grows accustomed to the feeling... eventually

Second what's your favorite character
Taurus and Black Dragon

Third your choice of purple is classy
Thank you kindly *bows*

Good bye sir James
Fare thee well! *waves*

SGsPyzcho -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/2/2013 9:04:17)

1: What server do you get on in OS?
Nulgath, primarily. If I'm not on Nulgath, I'll be on Testing

2: How come I can't sell my fiend boss in OS (the "x" button to sellback completely vanished.)
I'm unsure, I can't answer such questions as I'm not a member of the game staff. Your best bet would be to ask Nulgath or Rolith on Twitter (as Warlic is the busiest, from what I understand)

3: Can I add you on OS?
Sure, I'm Grixus Faldor. Add me whenever you find me! :)

Nightmarefang -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/2/2013 22:54:06)

Grats c:
Thank you Nightmarefang! :)

I have but one question ( I think?( ok two questions...)
Haha, go ahead

What is the best method for acquiring toast?
1: Get a slice of bread
2: Put slice into toaster
3: Wait
4: ???
5: Profit! (Well... toast, really)

Redingard -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/4/2013 16:25:40)

So, pretty nice weather we're having...windy...
It's quite warmy and a tad cloudy here, I'd much rather have windy weather :p

I don't like wind. Or questions. Let's have neither.
I'll take your windy weather :P

Okay, fein. We'll have, leik, a FEW questions.
Very well

K, here's a good one: what's a question?
A sentence worded in a manner as to obtain information.

How do I ask a question?
It must contain an imperative or interrogative.

Am I done now?
No >:D

K, I think I'm done. A sandwich would be nice. You want one?
No thanks, I just ate :D

If so, no. I'm hungry.
You can have it, unless you want to make a donation :P

I think I might go for now. I didn't pack any hot sauce for these sammiches...

I'd talk more, but I ran out of words to say. Gimme a re-stock.
Hmmm, you'll have to talk to the HeroMart sales representatives about that I'm afraid :P

Lemonus -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/5/2013 6:41:52)

I'm back! Since my last post was certainly lacking...
Hello again! Haha, any number of questions within the limit is good :P

First off! Decision questions!

Which path do you take? Be a friend to dragons(DragonLord) or be one who protects at the cost of taking up arms against them(Dragonslayer)?

Hero or the Archfiend's servant?
Whichever pays more

Who exactly are you to the Archfiend?
One of his many servants

*throws a squeakingParagon Pet(aka Mini-Dage) James' direction*
Eugh, get it away from me!

Paladin or DoomKnight? (Not in terms of in-game power)

Would you still serve the Archfiend even if he has somehow betrayed you?
I shall not

*throws three Ascended Paragon Pets James' direction*
*Sets them on fire* Hrmph

Now, enough of those decision questions. What did your contract exactly/vaguely say? :P
May lead to claustrophoboia, loss of limbs and heightened insanity

*throws a Legion Titan(Ow!) hugging 3 Paragon Pets and 2 Ascended ones.
MORE!? *sets them on fire* Bah!

Here take this cake :)
No more Paragons... gah

*throws a GIANT Paragon Pet at James' direction

*Giant Paragon pops into a Nulgath Plushie
*pokes it* Hmmm...

Got you there didn't I? :P
Yes, yes you did...

Do you like cheese? OF COURSE YOU DO! Different question then. If waffles are good, why is the Archfiend cooking pancakes?
Yes, hmmm... I've never asked

That is all. *throws an Ice Cream Sundae on a cute, custom design Oblivion Blade cup.
*waves* Goodbye

valla666 -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/5/2013 19:07:27)

Is it just me or am I hot?
Well... your foot is... on fire...

Does your person have a beard?
I don't believe so...

Do you wear slacks?
I am not of the feminine form, so my answer is no :P

Can you help me meet cysero?
Walk far enough back from the statue and walk straight into the small door at the foot of the Golden Statue

Do you speak the language of muffins?
Unfortunately no

Can you bend this spoon?
*bends* Done :D

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/6/2013 10:36:14)

Write a letter to the Princess about what friendship means to you.
Hmmm... I'll take a leaf from Twilight Sparkle's findings :P Here you go:


BJEBLE -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/6/2013 11:18:22)

Hai!I'm back!
Welcome back!

How are you?
Good thanks, I hope you're feeling the same

If Square=Car and Triangle=Sock, Circle=?
Fill in the blank
Hmmm... shoe?

Waffles or pancakes?
Waffles :D

Nonsense attack, activate!What do you do now?
Cone of Silence!

Favorite season on of MLP?

Do you like snow?

What would you do if you saw a millipede?
Run. Run as far away as possible.1

That's all!*swish* OH NO MY PORTALS AREN'T WORKING! *runs away*
Oh :( Goodbye *waves*

enjoibro4 -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/6/2013 20:34:55)

*Slow and quiet chanting, then more and louder, then a big panda appears, with the voice and name of enjoibro4 appears*
You have returned... :o

I told you i'd be back :P

How're you doing lately?
I've been alright, I hope the same can be said of you!

What do you hope to see in the near future in oversoul?

Wanna meet up this weekend and hang out on OS :)?
Sure, PM me whenever you want :)

I'd love to anyway :)
Haha, likewise. It's nice meeting forumites every now and then!

Well i'm off, just another hey and gratz
Rightio, thanks again :)

*Hypnotic music, silly goofy panda face, and then smoke, and enjoi gone*

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/10/2013 12:55:31)

Alright so I've gotten bored and behind with the AK's
(Literally just copied and pasted from Leader's MtAK thread...)
Haha, welcome :P

Going through this quick
Sure thing!

Favorite Dinosaur?

It is one of the largest known dinosaurs, which is pretty darn cool

What color do you think they were?

Do you play any console games?
Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart and a few others, can't name them all of the top of my head

Did you know I'm writing a book?
No, I didn't :O

Check it out in my sig
Will do!

Bye bye now
Au revoir!

Congratulations on AKship
Thank you :)

~Heretic Sage, Teyrn of the Frozen Norths

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (3/11/2013 23:17:53)

I think it's time for this MtAK to be locked. It's been a pleasure to answer everyone's questions. :)

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