RE: Promotional Items (Full Version)

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kosmo -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 10:45:57)

A tank build and a well timed yeti' s chomp and emp(skill or core) are the right counter.It s all about strategy.

Winters Key -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 10:51:59)

@kosmo agreed.
EDIT: Fixed Typo.

ansh0 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 11:21:21)

You should not be forced to buy expensive gear to counter ONE set.


Well next one... hmm I'm out of ideas.

Passive core: Win the battle before it starts.

psycho009 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 13:40:42)

maybe they should add some sound instead of these broken weapons.. so much for closing the gap eh

....SKY.... -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 13:47:13)

sorry this doesnt make sense. yes you pay for the promos with buying the 10000 varium pack so not too sure what u are talking about

RageSoul -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 1:50:42)

IIRC , Cores are supposed to give you an aid in battle , NOT a guaranteed win .

( BTW , there's a difference between getting aided and guaranteeing a win )

theholyfighter -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 2:51:26)


Lord Machaar -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 8:07:14)


Haha that's right.

Nightmarefang -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 16:06:58)

Going to be honest, I was never really bothered by the promotional stuff until the recent "balance" update... I felt like I had a chance, things were better since more resistance (usually the people i face with the azrael promos are tech mages...) and I could do more damage -> more health gain but now? now I think I'm done with ED for a while :| to oversoul!

Shadronica -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 17:11:33)

Yes, once again ED has lost the plot.

It looked like Omega was the dawning of a brand new exciting chapter for EpicDuel. A fresh new approach.

Nobody minded the varium gap being closed a little, but to bring out another set of OP weapons for the princely sum of $50 is somewhat a slap in the face to the intelligence of ED's player base.

The players that have paid to buy these weapons rightfully feel that they should have the winning edge considering the amount of money they paid.

So once again they have brought back the old "pay to win".

Everyone realizes and understands that the game has to generate money, but it is the marketing strategy that needs a huge overhaul.

EpicDuel seems to be left in the "Dark Ages" when it comes to marketing.

They would do far better with this game if varium products were in smaller chewier chunks rather than the "all you can eat buffet" which only lasts till the next time the game wants/needs to generate income.

I could only wish and hope that "someone" in our administration could do some research on the marketing of the more popular games out there. Then we would have a more "playable" EpicDuel in which we have all seen the potential.

In no way do I wish to offend anyone with my remarks but I can't help but offer my sincerest honest opinion.

DestruRaGe -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 18:40:35)

Answering your question Ansh0:
No, ED shouldnt have OPed cores. Luckily it doesnt have any!
Those that are sad about azraels promo cores: Just cause you cant defeat something with your stat abusing build
doesnt mean that its OPed. Theres builds for every class that can counter these cores. And thats good!
Seems to me like you wanna be OP and undefeatable and when something new comes out that
requires you to change strategy you complain how OP it is and game breaking.

....SKY.... -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 19:05:00)

completely agree with the above. hey i cant beat a skill core or build cause i cant be bothered looking for a counter instead i will just complain on the forums and expect ed to nerf it. at the end of the day if ed doesnt meet our f2ps demand we will complain this is a crappy game and we will threaten ed to quit playing. LMAO.

Lycan. -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 20:50:18)

either they nerf it now or wait for more people to buy it then nerf so that more people realize they wasted $50 for an awful skill core.

xxmirxx -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 20:56:13)


REcently, I have noticed that promotional items have been getting WAY more powerful than they should be.


Platinums Pride and the new Azrael promos.

Together, words cannot express how broken they are.

Here's a scenario:

Enters battle.

Uses buff to defend oneself.

*aux special*

It's ok I have my best move ready.

*gun special*

*gets blocked*

Damn, atleast I can rage kill him.

*Chairmans Fury*


with out those cores no would have even brought pomo's and as i remember dev's did say pomo's and varium weps would better but non varium do need better skill cores like one for gun is joke honestly.

ansh0 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/24/2013 22:29:11)

So I should change my build everytime I wanna deafeat them?




I have varium. I am not a f2p complaining.

Jeez.... how many times do I have to say this?

Nightmarefang -> RE: Promotional Items (2/25/2013 16:00:44)

I shouldn't have to spend a huge sum of credits or blow a bunch of varium to buy a yeti to eat every azrael gun and bazooka I see besides, lets say I just changed my build, than I'll lose to the half of the people who didn't spend $50 recently...

zion -> RE: Promotional Items (2/26/2013 7:27:09)

I hope anyone buying them for pay-to-win is going for golden yeti, b/c it will be nerfed or outclassed b4 u can say "next promo please"!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Promotional Items (2/26/2013 8:16:48)

still think Platinum's pride is pretty cool ;D

kosmo -> RE: Promotional Items (2/26/2013 9:42:03)

What about if the Arzel' s Will was on aux(with a turn of cooldown) and the Arzel' s Torment was on gun?You still have your cores but people is not forced anymore to use builds completely based on countering these weps.

xxDantExx -> RE: Promotional Items (2/26/2013 16:41:31)

well guyz, about the whinnings & complaints about OP and buying varium stuffs...
...just put yourselves in the devs' shoes... making the game... enduring long hours of sleepless days & nights just to make this game running..
most people who complains are those playing ' FOR FREE "...
have you not considered what the developers need to make the game running...
to pay for the staffs of their sites who works just to satisfy ur FREE PLAYING NEEDS...

just think about it....

Ranloth -> RE: Promotional Items (2/26/2013 16:44:10)

Without free players, there wouldn't have been Varium players in the past either. Why buy Varium if you won't have advantage over anyone? Prior to Omega that is. People bought it to have an edge over F2P so they ARE needed in the game, that does NOT make their opinions pointless because they don't pay. They are as needed as Varium players.
Besides these free players can invite people to play. These can pay. If impression of the game is good (art, balance, gameplay, etc.), they will also pay. Every player is a potential customer so neglecting their opinion is not gonna help, only because they haven't paid anything yet.

Calogero -> RE: Promotional Items (2/26/2013 16:55:14)

Azrael is OPd...

Do tell me, The only strategy against the gun is the Yeti special, what about those that don't have the Yeti?
I felt like I got forced into buying them due to otherwise having a very low chance beating any of them...

xxDantExx -> RE: Promotional Items (2/26/2013 17:09:32)

of course, all players, varium or non-varium, users are not neglected.. that's why they made all the items purchasable by 2 choices.. either by varium or by credits...
and u can even edit the item stats for a low price...

if all of the players have just experienced beta phase they wud know that omega is way too better...
unlike in beta days where u will really need to buy items to satisfy the build that u wanted... and varium items had the bigger edge
and take item stat edits @ that time...

kosmo -> RE: Promotional Items (2/26/2013 19:10:38)

xxDantE xx.Yes you had to buy a weapon to make a build based on stats, now you buy the only weapon that allows you make a certain build based on cores, in oreder to face who is doing the same thing.

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