RE: Exile or Legion (Full Version)

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TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/26/2013 2:16:23)


lol Those guys are literally mindless guards. I'd much rather be an OZ.

they are my mindless guards, plus they look cool and put up more of a challenge than OZ, plus another reason i don't like exiles is because of the lawman, he lacks a sense of style and have really bad hygiene.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/26/2013 2:42:57)


That ain't mather nothin, we got the one and only boss, Nightwraith. (talkin about the person not the npc)

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/26/2013 2:52:38)

@above nightwraith is sided with legion now, and I'm sure i can be as boss as him very soon.

legion of souls -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/26/2013 13:33:21)

Wait, whats so good about nightwraith all of a sudden...??

Cookielord12 -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/26/2013 13:38:37)

Exile at heart, but a proud Legionnaire on the outside.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/26/2013 20:54:36)

@legion of souls because nightwraith is awesome, no nightwraith=no awesomeness in ED

Unknown Menace -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 2:35:34)

Well, i wouldn't say that to quickly before you start breaking some hearts on the staff side - off topic

On topic - Exile, because rebels are more important than anything. They battle for the greater good and guided by their principles they will fight the opression and bring down the system to make it a better place for all the good willing souls in the world. (this doesn't mean sacrifices can't be made, looks at Lawman infernal war) Exile i salute you.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 4:54:04)


Well, i wouldn't say that to quickly before you start breaking some hearts on the staff side - off topic

titan wouldn't mind because he knows that wthout nightwraith, the game wouldn't even have skill core animations or promo weapons, every character would be just stick figures, charfade would be fine with that too since she joined ED later than NW.


On topic - Exile, because rebels are more important than anything. They battle for the greater good and guided by their principles they will fight the opression and bring down the system to make it a better place for all the good willing souls in the world. (this doesn't mean sacrifices can't be made, looks at Lawman infernal war) Exile i salute you.

both sides are rebels actually
and no, there is no good or bad for both sides, it just depends on how you see it as, i would say legion is good because they maintain order, therefore keeping the residents under control, while exiles are against the legion, therefore causing riots or chaos. i would prefer order.

midnight assassin -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 5:03:14)

Exile since the frysteland war.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 8:07:15)


titan wouldn't mind because he knows that wthout nightwraith, the game wouldn't even have skill core animations or promo weapons, every character would be just stick figures, charfade would be fine with that too since she joined ED later than NW.

I think we all know that. Titan and NW started it together. But to say without NW no awesomeness in ED is a bit to exaggerated? Doesn't mean he isn't still a boss tho.


both sides are rebels actually
and no, there is no good or bad for both sides, it just depends on how you see it as, i would say legion is good because they maintain order, therefore keeping the residents under control, while exiles are against the legion, therefore causing riots or chaos. i would prefer order.

Last time i checked legion consists of traitors that stand for a dictatorship under Baelius, a invader of their home planet, a leader whom is feared by themselves that uses irrational violence as a tool to maintain order, to steal the planet's riches (varium) and make people obey. No freedom. So i don't know from which point of view this is considered a good quality, but really it isn't. It's clear who is good and who is bad. That doens't mean good guys don't do bad things and bad guys don't do good things. Exile (roughly 80% good 20% bad) legion (80% bad 20% good) so it's saying overal exile is good and legion is evil. Exiles are the rebels, joining the force of opression isn't exactly considered rebellious.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 8:09:34)


TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 8:22:17)


Last time i checked legion consists of traitors that stand for a dictatorship under Baelius, a invader of their home planet, a leader whom is feared by themselves that uses irrational violence as a tool to maintain order, to steal the planet's riches (varium) and make people obey. No freedom. So i don't know from which point of view this is considered a good quality, but really it isn't. It's clear who is good and who is bad. That doens't mean good guys don't do bad things and bad guys don't do good things. Exile (roughly 80% good 20% bad) legion (80% bad 20% good) so it's saying overal exile is good and legion is evil. Exiles are the rebels, joining the force of opression isn't exactly considered rebellious.

legion isn't evil just because of 1-2 members in it that's evil, i personally think that the lawman is evil because he would kill naomi to get silas to surrender, silas is sided with legion but he also a good person. you you can't exactly justify which side is good or bad by a individual's actions.


I think we all know that. Titan and NW started it together. But to say without NW no awesomeness in ED is a bit to exaggerated? Doesn't mean he isn't still a boss tho.

no not really, titan is good but the awesomeness of ED comes from nightwraith, which would you prefer? fighting with awesome looking characters, items and maps or fighting in a dull background with stick figures running around? but one could not survive without the other since nightwraith is not much of a programmer.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 11:04:57)

I would prefer both ;D. Great coding ;D & a great artist ;D.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 12:08:27)

I'm with Legion, IMHO Legion is far better then Exile.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 13:11:40)


legion isn't evil just because of 1-2 members in it that's evil, i personally think that the lawman is evil because he would kill naomi to get silas to surrender, silas is sided with legion but he also a good person. you you can't exactly justify which side is good or bad by a individual's actions.

I believe that's what i said? 'That doens't mean good guys don't do bad things and bad guys don't do good things.' aka lawman and silas.
Common man x) you do realise that in 99% of any story there is good and bad. Exile represents good legion bad i shouldn't even have to explain it, it is crystal clear already.


no not really, titan is good but the awesomeness of ED comes from nightwraith, which would you prefer? fighting with awesome looking characters, items and maps or fighting in a dull background with stick figures running around? but one could not survive without the other since nightwraith is not much of a programmer.

Oh god. What i meant is you can't say that awesomeness comes solely from 1 person. Unless that person happens to create the entire thing alone without anyone elses help. That is not to case so you have to give credit to anyone that puts effort in it. Anyone. Collaboration101: Give credit where credit is due.

Let's close the book now, under the chapter 'mutual agreement'.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 15:41:56)


you do realise that in 99% of any story there is good and bad. Exile represents good legion bad i shouldn't even have to explain it, it is crystal clear already.

eh, no there is no good side or bad side in ED, i remember cinderella explained that long ago.


Oh god. What i meant is you can't say that awesomeness comes solely from 1 person. Unless that person happens to create the entire thing alone without anyone elses help. That is not to case so you have to give credit to anyone that puts effort in it. Anyone. Collaboration101: Give credit where credit is due.

you just don't understand do you? when i say nightwraith is making the ED more awesome i meant making it more attractive, i don't see people compliment the coding work of ED but rather the artwork, i know its a collaboration but I'm just identifying which is the more awesome person in it :P

Banir -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 16:42:15)

Earlier, it was Exile=good Legion=bad, but recent story and character developments shifts them into less objective groups. I used to favor Exile, but now I guess I'm neutral until something outstanding could convince me to pick a side.

UnderSoul -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/27/2013 23:55:23)

Exile viewpoint: Freedom(Exile) or Tyranny(Legion)?

Legion viewpoint: Order(Legion) or Anarchy(Exile)

Made 4 Sunny Days -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/28/2013 2:34:40)

Exile since the start, help recently in a legion fac to help a friend, didn't bother me much since as of now facs don't play much of a role in anything.
First thing I did in omega was recreate my old exile fac which I will reside in till the end of time.
I'm an exile because when someone tells me no and puts me down, I fight back plain and simple and this is the attitude of an exile warrior. We fight for our people and for our freedom, not for power and not for our pocketbooks ;) Legion, all I can say is next war, Your Challenge Has Been Accepted.
(Although I will gladly horde credits sooo....)

~Stay Sunny~

Unknown Menace -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/28/2013 6:20:49)


you just don't understand do you?

[:D] comming from you. Go ahead make up something else if you really feel like having the last word.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Exile or Legion (2/28/2013 15:31:36)


[:D] comming from you. Go ahead make up something else if you really feel like having the last word.

you quitting already? :P

Rackenhammer -> RE: Exile or Legion (3/1/2013 17:14:34)

Right now, I play Exile, mostly because I have a soft spot for scrappy underdogs. It gives the faction triumphs more "oomph" to them, I guess; I feel like I actually contributed to a close victory, rather than riding on a leader's coat-tails.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Exile or Legion (3/1/2013 17:22:52)


you quitting already? :P

Yes! Discussing with you would be like having a second job. I already shortened my sleeping hours so i could have more time during the day, you want those leftovers to?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Exile or Legion (3/1/2013 17:37:31)


Yes! Discussing with you would be like having a second job. I already shortened my sleeping hours so i could have more time during the day, you want those leftovers to?

glad to be of annoyance, legion rules

l Chop Suey l -> RE: Exile or Legion (3/1/2013 17:49:47)

The only reason I would Join exiles is because I remember on Frost war legion won by money hoarding advantage but in the next war like the infernal war Exiles won by fairness and no money advantage since devs raised the price of var grenades higher so players won't spam them and even though it was more like an npc war exiles still won throughout! The only distinction between legion and exiles are that legion wants players who are loyal serious and exiles want players who who are loyal and fun so pretty much my heart lies to Exiles. :D

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