RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 8:26:47)

Chaos character will make it very interesting battle. I can't wait to get my hands in the first characters <hopes it's not a promo one that SUCK>

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 8:29:45)

Well taking a look at BD and VR, I don't think Nulgaths gonna make the promo Chaos characters suck.

We still need Frost Queen and Frost Goddess promo from way back. X3

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 8:38:31)

I doubt we are going to get the Frost Queen/Goddess...I don't care though, I haz Jack Frost :D

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 8:51:27)

We need at least one character of each element to have a special deck. Black Dragon is one example for shadow characters with Bash, Thrash and Shadowfire. When Frost Queen/Goddess are release, one of them will probably have a special deck like BD with a legendary ice cards like shadowfire.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 8:57:26)

*points at Taurus who got no legendary Earth cards*

I prefer THAT guy to get a legendary cards before those promos >_>

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:03:47)

I guess only promo characters who are legendary will get special/legendary cards unlike Void Reaper who is only master but he got Void Reflection which is consider a legendary card.

Edit: I guess the staff were still planing on developing new cards for different element other than shadow since it has the most characters among other in OS and i was glad that last week release did not have any new shadow character.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:05:44)

Void Reflection can be overlooked, usually I would love to point out Corruption, but shame it's right now stuck with Neutral characters though I would wish to swap with with Thrak my orcish guard.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:08:26)

If Thrak have 1 more Iron Hide and shield. He will definetely be my main nuetral character with good offense and defense but PL will be my main nuetral character for that reason.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:13:54)

I'm wondering, did LW return? o.O

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:16:47)

Not in the shop, but main thing is, is she still in the wild?

True and looking for her would be a hassle since she is like Cosoma rare in my case because PD spawns more frequently than Cosoma.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:21:00)

Don't really know since she has a very low respawn rate in the fiery cave.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:22:21)

Hmm, well it doesn't make sense that they would make a character rare after 4 days. Even JF was around for 1 week. I surely hope LW is still out there, I HATE rarez.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:54:33)

Yeah, it make no sense at all since Jack Frost was there a week while Love weaver was there for 4 days. I think its because Love Weaver was overused and Artix must had informed Nulgath to remove Love Weaver from the shop otherwise the OS will be surrounded by an army of Love Weaver whose color is PINK.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:56:44)


That makes sense e.e Though I hope she is still out there. I already have her myself, but I hope others can have enjoyment of playing as her in the future aswell.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:58:19)


linklink0091 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 9:59:25)

a few pages back

I usually beat most ice pvp'ers with my pally... except beck
we will see daichi, i think my jack is amoung the best jacks in the game (only lost to beck's cosoma (dem dirty freezes) )

Akura_ -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:03:48)

LW is my fav , I used all my 12 SG to get her =( glad an wished i haded now @_@ , now i cant upgrade my other girl characters to thier next class D: BUT dont wish to part with LW ><


Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:14:15)


I'll get my HHorseman to 20 and beat the daylight out of your Jack.


Didn't LW only cost 6SG to buy in the shop?

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:15:24)

Hi :D Heard my name mentioned. Have fun beating Daichi's level 20 Paladin! I've never even beaten that level 20 Paladin, since it's a new development.
Shouldn't be too hard, right? Just pray we get enough Shatters out before he uses Blessed Holy Strike five times.

Kinda expensive, but not a bad choice, since LW is one of the best female characters available right now (the other being Pyre Witch Master, but she's not nearly as fabulous).

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:16:55)

Pyre Witch Master is, however, STRONGER in terms of cards.


Your Ice Beetle should prepare to meet my 20 HHorseman!

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:19:25)

Just how close is your pony to level 20? And WHY are you trying to kill my cute, harmless little NO WHERE NEAR LEVEL 20 Beetle with it?! So cruel >.<

Also, by the way LW was 12 SG in the shop. It did seem really expensive, but now I guess we know why -- super limited time offer.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:23:12)

*begins countin*

Let's see my Pony is level 2 and the max level is 20....20-2 = 18. So my pony is 18 levels from level 20 X3

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:29:12)

...You're threatening me with a level 2?!
Well, that at least gives me some time to train up a bodyguard for Ice Beetle. Hmm... maybe Fatty?

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:33:34)


4 weeks from now, I'll get 490% XP Boost and train up ALOT of my characters. No BG will be able to save your Ice Beelt >:)

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/26/2013 10:39:33)

In 4 weeks, Card Customization will be out, maybe.
And despite all the chaos that would cause, one good thing might be that I'll be able to make Ice Beetle stronger. So yeah, we'll see :)

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