RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Voidrix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:24:17)

Try at the South-West Pond,it seems to have higher spawn point there.

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:29:44)

wouldn't it be terrible if orc peon turns out to be this completely horrible character.

that we spent all are time looking for?

@below that last line made me laugh.[:D]

EDIT: oh dear, I fear this thread is dead...unless someone crazy comes along and turns us all on are heads with a terrible song...

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:30:57)

Just judging by it's name, it IS a terrible character.
But we are still looking for him, because we've GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL!!!

No, don't start singing! Thousand year's curse upon your RNG!

Voidrix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:49:53)

Anyways,it won't take long,we are pokemon trainers oversouls,right?

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:52:39)

@beck you wish is my command

@void yes we are, the very best in no one ever was, to obtain those souls without SG's is our real test,

to level them to 20 for pvp is our cause.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:52:55)

Was the server shut down meant to fix peon spawn rate?

bei4 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:52:59)

@beck finaly you are here my burn mage is lvl 10 almost 11 and i have fiend of vergil :)

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:55:17)

Oh snaps man, can you wait around 2-3 hours? I have to do some traveling, and then I promise to come online and duel you!

bei4 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:57:01)

@beck than i am on bed ;p i am on vacantion ;p

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 16:57:48)

LW is out of shop? I guess that means she's not in the wild either. Guess I'll go back to the pit now.

linklink0091 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:01:07)


Anyone else find it hilarious that Valentine Rev. Is in the Nightmare Dungeon? Lol!

I don't like cupidtheus....must suck to wear Diapeer in his age...
i can only say one thing...he is a fashion designer, its the lastest thing everyone has to wear one *goes gets his*

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:02:57)

Have I missed something? Wait! Why is LW out of the shop? O_O

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:04:24)

@hijinks I think it's to make room for large father.

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:06:04)

What the heck? I was going to buy her since I couldn't even find her yesterday... D:

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:10:58)

I would love if she gone perma rare ! I need a fire main ;-;

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:12:40)

on another note, anyone know what the symbol on thraks axe is?

Voidrix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:14:22)

Well,most giant characters have that rune under them.

One thing I know for sure is:

Thrak of Suinotlim=Thrak of Miltonius.

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:15:56)


I need one too, but I can't find one if she's gone. I don't like witch and burn mage is lacking in cards. As for HH, I don't have the SGs.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:21:13)

@Hijinks My mains objective isn't for cards nor for looks
It's for being perma rare. But still all my Mains are perma rare and ROCKS(XF FC and VK)

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:22:26)

I kinda wish she doesn't go rare.... I'd hate to see other people missing out on a good character.

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:23:00)

@Andlu You're gonna have a hard time with that, Nulgath said he doesnt like Perma-Rares so you wont be seeing too many of them...

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:24:55)

@Vertigo If he had on mind and put at least only ONE perma rare for each element.. BUT NO. We have 5 shadow perma rares 1-2(DUNNO if father time is perma rares)Light and 1 ice.

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:26:26)

Argh, I should have bought her yesterday. >_<

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:27:37)

Wait, what are the 5 Shadow Perma-Rares?

1) Void Knight (stress test)
2) Skexis (Alpha)

Do we know if BD and VR are going Perma-Rare? and then what would be the 5th?

K but still whats the 5th one? Ive never really thought about how many Perma-Rares there were.

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCIII - READ THE FIRST POST (2/25/2013 17:28:48)

BD and VR will go rare...just not anytime soon.

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