Malf requirment must go to dex Ch and mages (Full Version)

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Warmaker04 -> Malf requirment must go to dex Ch and mages (2/26/2013 7:02:18)

Tittle says it

Ranloth -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 7:07:17)

And why is Strength wrong? Can you justify it? It allows Casters to shine even more really since they can invest in Dex instead of Strength. It won't stop abuse apart from switching to different stats. Rather than going through simple patches to temporarily fix something, a decent solution is much more worthwhile to fix it once and for all.

Warmaker04 -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 7:58:09)

instead of support * . Malf requires support, not str

Drianx -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 9:28:43)

Excellent suggestion.

Not require Dex, but be improved by Dexterity.
Hence we will have:

- Malf nerfs Tech and is improved by Dex;
- Smoke nerfs Dex and is improved by Tech;
- Intimidate nerfs Strength and is improved by Support.

Baasically a debuff for a stat wiould be improved by the stat's counterpart.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 9:54:55)


instead of support * . Malf requires support, not str

Nope, trans is right. It requires strength.
It improves by support.

But actually i find it a good idea.
This will stop the current str-sup spamming TMs.
And it wont really help the casters since it only requires something, it doesnt improve the scaling.
Casters wont suddenly get malf just because it now requires dexterity

Mother1 -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 10:00:34)

@ zeph

This will OP dex casters if malf is switched to dex as well as CH as well. There are already people using extreme dex builds in an effort to counter support mercs. For Tech mage they would have malf overload and plasma rain. Not to mention extreme high block chance due to dex abuse and the ninja arts core and other then malf overload and Plasma rain can't be blocked or deflected.

Cyber hunter would have less moves with dex, But this will make tanking for CH real easy and they will have a powerful combo to as well as good defensive abilities with this since they already have plasma armor so they won't need to invest in tech that much.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 10:19:51)

^ Every nerf is a buff for something else.

And it wont OP dex casters since its only a requirment.
The scaling will be poor as hell since they dont got support.

Cybers however will have a slight advantage with tanking, but it wont match the madness that is currently going on, does it?
They still need support to make it good.

It is madness in 1vs1 with the str-sup builds, because of malf!

Mother1 -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 11:14:35)

@ zeph

It will OP them as they will not only have good offensive moves but they will be able to tank real easy. Technician works with dex as well and back in delta I used 93 dex which gave me a 30 plus tech boost from technician. normal dex spammers use much more then that so they will have excellent tanking capabilities as well as great offensive power as well.

Image a person with 178 dex coming with a super stong Malf powered by dex taking away 50+ then using overload and Plasma rain which will not only be powerful from dex spamming but gain but be able to do full damage or more due to the massive debuff. Plus if they run into issues with someone using energy attack they have technician which is also powered by dex. This would create the ultimate Dex tank TM.

The synergy of malf, plasma rain and overload will be overwealming as well as the defensive capabilities of dex tanks as well since they will be able to get 40+ technician at level 1 due to dex spamming.

Support builds while they are overwealming at times do have their counters that are available to everyone. The baby yeti while expensive can be gotten by farming credits while the counters for dex builds can only be brought with money or are permanent rare.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 12:04:22)


Image a person with 178 dex coming with a super stong Malf powered by dex taking away 50+

I think you dont understand what im trying to say mother1.

I am talking about making the requirment stat dexterity instead of strength.
NOT the improves with stat which is currently on support.

You think it the other way around ;)

Warmaker04 -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 12:26:25)

if he have 178 dex then he will have 0 ressistance and with that support builds he is 2 hits died. so even the 50 malf wont avoid the 2 hit kill on ressistance

Sir Caden -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 12:35:15)

NO WAY because cybers will be OP they aim for High Dex at the moment and aim for Plasma to see them out for a win.

This will make Cybers the best class in the game

Warmaker04 -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 12:36:56)

Yeah i reallised they will be OP. I changed the tittle name.
We are talking for the mages recently. Since i changed the tittle now nobody can say the CHs will be op.

I meant the mages, cause they have OP Support - str builds with that azrael will, and deadly aim. = ALot of high damages.
The gun with deadly aim doing alot with The * Support improvement * malf and aux too.
and these builds are just too OP. Thats why it would be good to change from support to dex,
but if they do 170 dex builds. they will be dead like in 2 hits with energy attacks so thats not possible for an winning build

Mother1 -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 12:45:18)

@ warmaker

They can't change the requirement for a move just for one class without doing it for the other. Remember what happened when they changed plasma rain and Supercharge's improved with? It was also changed for blood mage when they make this balance change for tech mage.

Every requirement and improves with stat for every move is linked. Otherwise when they changed plasma rain and supercharge's stat requirements they would have left Blood mage's Plasma rain and supercharge alone while altering just Tech mage's since when they made this change it was for TM not BM.

Warmaker04 -> RE: Malf requirment must go to dex (2/26/2013 12:50:48)

Ah, then i guess i have to delete that ( just mages ) and get it back to CH.
Actually why CHs will become OP ? can you explain me? The dex builds will be OP with rage multi , but alot of people have energy support aux AND BOOM the conssecutive shot = the CH useless as hell

I actually meant malf improvement not requirment in the tittle >.<
dang i`m so sleepy xD I messed up everything. this thread was for malf improve thingy not for requirment my fault lol srry

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