Staff need to come in to 2vs2 (Full Version)

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Hun Kingq -> Staff need to come in to 2vs2 (2/26/2013 17:47:11)

The Staff even all programers need to come into 2vs2 with multi builds of each class in 100 battles of each class so they can experience what players experience.

Test the multis at each stat level with good health.

Ranloth -> RE: Staff need to come in to 2vs2 (2/26/2013 17:50:52)

They can't due to lack of time, obviously.. You know, that's why Forum exists so we post feedback instead + Balance Tracker in 2v2 gives them data as well. You could post some feedback then yourself, the same as if they were doing it but they can focus on developing AND reading your feedback! Best of both worlds!

Hun Kingq -> RE: Staff need to come in to 2vs2 (2/26/2013 18:09:40)

They don't have time, if you really believe that, when I was doing 1vs1 for the missions I have face basically every staff even Rabble and Night Wraith. So if they have time for 1vs1 they have time for 2vs2 and 2vs1.

When I mention about the Balance/Battle tracker in 2vs2 they basically told everyone that it is impossible unless that changed.

The forums only gives so much information.

Like the saying goes to experience what someone goes through walk a mile in their shoes so in this case they need to 100 battles of each class multi in the players shoes. That way they could really see how to improve the multis instead of constant nerfs due to players demand.

Ranloth -> RE: Staff need to come in to 2vs2 (2/26/2013 18:24:40)

Time is limited, they can test 2v2 but they can test 1v1 instead. Devs play on their alts as well, who knows, maybe you've faced them already without knowing. And Balance Tracker in 2v2 is for a while now, it was added quite a while back but after 1v1 was made.

Forum STILL gives the information. If you choose not to submit it, it's not their problem since it indicates that you find it fine. Constructive feedback is the key.

They don't need to do anything. Time is limited; only because they have some doesn't mean it's all the time. How about you give them feedback instead since you post a lot on Forum? Will aid them rather than order them around, since they can do as much as you can. Game works by Devs making it and players giving feedback so they can improve it, pretty much a cycle. If they buff it without decent reasoning, it may lead to too much power. Because PLAYERS demanded a nerf, they had a reason behind it but Devs also had 'em as well hence why it went ahead. There is NO harm in listening to players if Devs also find it reasonable. It's like one fighting against the many, it won't work if you're outnumbered, include bias in the suggestions, don't justify it and/or the change is unnecessary. Blaming them because they don't do it is outta the question. Improving something that is already good only leads to making it worse.

SMGS -> RE: Staff need to come in to 2vs2 (2/26/2013 21:02:55)

This isn't really an in-game suggestion. The developers are constantly working on ways to address balance concerns, the Balance Forum is one of the major ways to do this, as well as the Balance Tracker - both of which Rabble and the other game staff monitor closely. If you have balance concerns, you'd want to head over to that forum section.

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