Sama Swag Down Pat -> Overpowered Core Must Be Nerfed (>‿◠)✌ (2/26/2013 19:29:17)
Hey guys, this is SamaXimus. I wanted to let everyone know about an extremely overpowered core that needs to be nerfed. The core, Azraels Will I believe its called is extremely overpowered. Let me explain why. This core allows you to force someone into striking. Many builds use little to no strength what so ever. With no strength at all, a strike does almost nothing. A tank versus someone with Azrael will is almost the equivalent to a block. Do you really want people to have the ability to force a block? Maybe I exaggerated on the block thing, but if their is a tank its just about no damage at all. Lets say that someone is about to use an attack that will deal 50 damage because they max out technology. If you use Azraels Will on them, they will most likely deal less then 10% of that damage. This is simply because if you max out your technology it is safe to assume you have low strength which many mages do. I believe that we should make this core much less powerful. I understand the staff was trying to promote a powerful core as the promotional package of exclusive varium but I do not believe giving someone a free block is the answer. Please fix this, developers. Reply if you agree!