Sacrificium- The Last Saint (Full Version)

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lordkaho -> Sacrificium- The Last Saint (2/26/2013 21:21:19)


-=Insert Music=-


Everything around me was crumbling.

The soil. The pale grass. The trees. The ruins of our pitiful civilization.

All was falling upwards. It was as if the concept of gravity has utterly ceased to exist. In fact, the reality that we have grown so accustomed to was slowly being turned upside down.


More like, it was being torn asunder. The laws of physics that our greatest minds have spent several painful centuries of formulating and theorizing have all been put to naught.

‘She’ was rewriting everything; all that we have ever held dear to us.

Clad in a flowing pristine dress adorned by elegant frills and ruffles, seemingly made of pearly white silk, before me was a beautiful woman of no comparison. Her beauty has a radiance nonexistent in this world. It was very surreal.

She had fine, straight hair as white as winter that streamed down her form like an endless river. Her skin was as smooth and pure as the finest ivory, untarnished by flaws. Her eyes, perhaps the most mesmerizing feature of her appearance, were a pair of shining golden orbs that seemed to peer forever into the crimson horizon. Atop her perfectly shaped head was a great crown with ten points that rose up to the heavens. Around it was a ring of seven, shining dots; each illuminated by a spectrum of unknown colours.

She had no name, as no name would be enough to label her.

She held the scarlet moon in her left hand and the black sun in her right. The now-dead stars, pulsing a faint, disgusting glow, orbited around her in the black void of space. Our own sky, which I was once told to be a dreamy shade of blue, was now painted an even more nauseating color of blood and metallic gray. It was really as how the old men of wisdom have foretold; Our Earth would turn into a corpse-planet, with all of its waters gone that no mouth could ever drink again, its oceans would be as barren as the driest of deserts, the sky shall bleed for its blood shall be a veil of lies, the air will be like poisonous venom seeping into the flesh of the world and its mountains would be flattened to deny even the smallest insect of shelter.

Beneath her delicate feet, she crushed all our futile efforts of resistance, and everything that stood as the hope of mankind.

I kept watch, waiting for my eventual demise. I kept observing this being of unimaginable power. I couldn’t express what were the appropriate emotions to feel right now; hatred, awe, or fear. Perhaps she was just too alien a concept that trying to understand her was beyond my ability as a mere human.

And like a playful child, she scooped up the remains of humanity upon the palms of her hands, her titanic fingers sank through whole cities and wastelands, scraping up countless buildings as if they were grains of sand. All these, she did with a face full of delight and glee, possessing an innocence as serene as a doll, and yet it still somehow reeked of great malice and evil. Was she delighted in our plight? Or was she just amused to see the once arrogant and proud race, now reduced to a suffocating state of helplessness- nothing but bubbling dregs of the last remnants of mankind?

Indeed, it seemed that all was lost.

There could be no way that anyone would find salvation in this nightmare other than to embrace a quick, painless death. But alas, even death had fled from us, being deaf to all our pleas and cries.

Tears trickled down the sides of my cheeks as I witnessed the horror being freely unleashed before my eyes, , unhindered and unchallenged. It was the grief that, ultimately, I could not stop all this from happening...The pain there was no longer a way that I could bring everything back.


Words whisper in my head...

...Words that have been sustaining me all this time, and yet I failed to acknowledge its presence. It was a comforting, yet powerful voice; one whose origin I cannot directly pinpoint. It was perhaps the only force remaining that kept me to stand firm and not break down in a miserable shell of despair as what my other fellows had suffered.

Once more, it spoke-



lordkaho -> RE: Sacrificium- The Last Saint (3/1/2013 9:36:59)

Chapter 1- Hope Spot

Three years earlier.

Nomansland-810, MIs-01 SEA.Ph

Atop a flat piece of rubble, stood an officer in grey. His uniform bore a striking resemblance to the dreaded Waffen-Schutzstaffel of Germany's Third Reich. Heavy breathing was heard
through his metal four-tubed respirator, with bulging veins spreading out from his mouth. Thin strands of pale blonde hair ran down the sides of his broadly chiseled face. He studied the lonely
swaths of earth and the clusters of ruined structures erected before him, some of which were long-abandoned shopping malls and office buildings. There were also traces of fighting that had occurred here; battle scars that were left by intense firefights and bombardments. One particular sight was a wrecked American M46 'Patton' Medium Tank, with its treads heavily damaged, that sat near the central plaza; it had seemed like the proud machine and her crew probably fought to the last second defending her post. After some time, he pulled up his left sleeve to check on his silver watch.

The clock showed that it was 20:21. They had been waiting for roughly an hour.

The old 12-hour format had been long discarded in this dark age where day and night have lost significance. Everything was just a perpetual lifeless hue of monochrome colors. Long gone were
the lush vibrant greens and blues. The sky, however, was tinted various shifting shades of red with few dark, gray patches of smog that now replaced the clouds. The resulting imbalance in the
atmosphere has also led to clusters of floating specks of debris and rocks above, making the landscape look like something out of a bad dream.

Behind the officer were twelve artillery batteries, ten of which were manned by four-man crews and the last were operated by five. Two auxiliary groups also remained behind as well as a handful of Pzw. III Ausf.B support vehicles. There were six 57mm Infanterieabwehrkanone-36's, abbreviated as 57mm InK's which were essentially Howitzers that shoot high-speed fragmentation rounds, four 32mm Twin-barreled Sturmwinds, a self-propelled autocannon, and two Großmutter Bertha Naval Rocket-launchers.

These men were from the 241st division of the Kanoneschrek Artillerie Korps, a branch belonging to the Infantry Army of the Reichsmacht whose sole function was to spread terror-inspiring propaganda. The Reichsmacht in question, was the general armed forces of a state referred world-wide as the 4th Reich or 'The Empire of the World-God', commonly known as Das Kreuz. It was a nation that encompassed most of central Europe and was governed by strict military doctrines that propagated intense religious fanaticism. This Totalitarian regime had no set constitution, but rather, was founded under the principle of "...Durch flammen und stahl." or "Through fire and steel". It was this principle, widely worshiped as an existential code, that had led to their horrible ethnic cleansing of races believing that, hopefully, only the strong would remain to revitalize the Earth.

Now their planetary scourge had led them half-way around the Earth to the South-East Asian isles, and in this particular excursion, Artellerie-Hauptmann Gunther was officer-in-command of 'purging' some stray dogs. The latter was of course a derogatory term for infidels, and in most cases, splinter groups of the remaining 'Forlorn-Faithful' or simply the Faithful. They were considered to be one of the longest religious movements in history, and the most influential of them, called the Universalis, had their seat of power in old Rome. But during the Great Mystery, which resulted into the current Age of Tribulation, most of the Faithful inexplicably vanished from the face of the Earth. Das Kreuz has since then sought to either integrate all that remained of humanity into their new unified government or destroy them should they resist.

Hauptmann Gunther glanced at his watch once more. It had been thirty minutes since he last checked. Not one of the Faithfuls had ever scampered out of their make-shift bunkers and hiding holes to surrender. He estimated about at least a thousand hiding within the dead city. To send a death squad of foot soldiers would take hours to scour every building, and not to mention perilous. His last encounter with these 'harmless' refugees, three artillery squads under his command got pinned down into a corner by a few 'magicians' shooting bolts of light at them. The situation would have escalated into a tactical disaster had not a handful of snipers from the 19th Jagertruppe arrived. It had seemed like propaganda has led the Riechsmacht to forget that these Faithfuls were once part of the strongest religion in the planet, but so far, these particular group had been in-hostile.

The Kanoneschrek was the only option viable as there weren't any V-5 Missile Silos constructed yet in this region. It was simply the easiest route to take if they wanted to raze down a target of this size.

He ran his gloved hand across his sweaty forehead out of exhaustion and anxiety. He saw no point in waiting in all this. This is just a stalemate that will eventually end in bloodshed, he thought.
He breathed heavily again as his respirator echoed out metallic noises. With the temperature at eighty-eight degrees Celsius, the air was suffocatingly stifling. If they were to hold on longer in this
hellish Nomansland, his crew and the refugees would have died by then from the merciless heat and the unforgiving weather conditions. However, it was like this for centuries now and he figured the
human body would have evolved to live longer in such environments.

The man had scouts confirm the identities of the people inside the buildings and had sent out many Order For Surrender signals, and yet all of them refused. He couldn't understand his superiors' demand
to have them alive, as he lacked all the empathy to let them live either way. Gunther's growing anxiety was finally getting the better of him.

He couldn't understand why, but he held great hate for these people even if his outward emotionless expressions denied them.

Was it because they reminded him of a past that could not be brought back? Or maybe because they clung to such modes of escapism, such as turning to faith in times of darkness that he believed was ultimately fruitless in the grand scale of things?

Nevertheless, beneath his metal mask, he bit his lip in seething hate and tightly clenched both fists. But suddenly, as if remembering something, guilt further burdened his mind. He gave a long, breathless pause. His widened silver eyes trembled to the point of tears. His black leather gloves gave a sharp rubbing sound as he clutched his hands even more tightly. Snapping out of his remorse, he raised his hand, signaling all crews to load their cannons. He was now Artellerie-Hauptmann Gunther, and he had a duty to fulfill. To have heart was a worthless aspect in war. He
had been doing this for nearly a decade. Now was not the time to grow weak in the face of extinction.

He closed his eyes briefly, as if in solemn prayer, and with his hand still high in the air.

"FEUER!!" The captain shouted at the top of his lungs as he brought down his arm.

Immediately, the dull, gray air was lit ablaze as every artillery at their disposal poured every round at the targeted buildings. Blazing steel shells came tearing through the wind, shrieking and whistling
loud enough to crack windows, and then slammed and pounded hard into walls of concrete. The tremendous force from the cannons sent tremors across the landscape, and tall clouds of dust and smoke began to creep up towards the key, cloaking the entire sector until nothing could be seen but a dark sheet of smoke. The shelling run was so brutal that Gunther turned around to see some of his own
men suffer signs of shell-shock. But, that was what the Kanoneschrek Corps were designed to do. No one could have definitely survived this unscarred.

For a minute, everything went silent, and the crews were still clearing up the smoke from their own engines. Some were busy waiting for their guns to cool off, which had gone almost red hot from the
intense firing.

"FASTER! MORE FIRE ON THEM!" Gunther demanded, but his head was still held low, not wanting to see the horror he had just committed.

The cannons would then resume to fill the air with smoke and ear-splitting noise, and would send another wave of destruction to rain upon their defenseless victims. This would rage on for fifteen more
minutes until Gunther eventually ordered them to halt. He then carefully assessed the damage as the thick blankets of smoke began to recede. The landscape was seriously devastated, even more
than it had originally been. The buildings themselves seemed as if they were hit by a nine-magnitude earthquake. There were countless craters everywhere, and all the spent ordnance had more than
proved its dreadful power. Rounds from the 57mm ImK and the 32mm Sturmwind chipped off huge portions of steel and concrete from buildings down to their basic frames, but the Bertha left
even more gruesome marks. One naval rocket struck a 5-storey structure so hard that can only be visually described as 'effectively decapitating a building '.

However, a midst this, perhaps by sheer amount of luck, one building had managed to last throughout the firestorm. It was all that was left of a skyscraper, but the base and the 2nd floor still survived in remarkable condition.

Gunther scrunched his thick brown eyebrows. Something felt amiss, he thought. Quickly, he ordered everyone to reload their cannons, but picked up three squads from the reserve troops to scout ahead for possible survivors. Armed with light machinengewhr-z23's and a few Blitzkarabineer-16 Assault Rifles, the group moved out.


"Here, they come Father." Spoke a young boy in tattered clothes peering into the broken windows as he hugged a huge black book towards his chest. He was shaking, but his face showed some
happiness to it. He then sat into a corner and began reading aloud some verses.

"In famine He will ransom you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword. You will be protected from the lash of the tongue, and need not fear when destruction comes." He mused.

A priest, Father Patrick Silva, rested his back against a broken column. Over his clergy issued black shirt, was a heavy leather trench coat that dangled down just over his shins. Father Patrick was a
huge man; standing at seven feet and four inches, he towered over the poor souls cuddling up around him. However, after living such a miserable life on the run, he now looked more less a dignified
holy man and more like a drunkard, with a rough stubble under his chin, saggy, tired eyes, and a messy blonde mop that ran down to his shoulder.

He caressed the soft head of a young, brown haired girl sleeping so comfortably beside him. He then set his eyes outside. It wouldn't take long before the shelling would return. He gave a brief, caring
look at all the children sleeping so cozily, despite of death being so near them.

"Bishop Aleksander..." He turned to an aging old, man deep in prayer just beside one of the windows. He was dressed in white robes, though smothered with dirt and had suffered some cuts
and tears. Looking up, the Bishop put on his glasses and recognized Patrick's presence. "Perhaps...Now is not the time, young Patrick. Our Lord is one who waits." said Aleksander.

"And He is also one who leaves us open for second chances. The enemy has once again sent another party towards us. Please let me negotiate with them."

"There is no reasoning with the Devil, Father. I'd rather us all die here in our penance rather than be near any of those sinners" argued Bishop Aleksander.

However, Patrick turned his back, dismissing the frail Bishop's words.

"Don't be foolish Patrick. Think of the helpless children you will be leaving" warned the Bishop.

"No. Clearly this is a sign of deliverance from Our Lord. One cannot just sit all day and pray for salvation. Deeds, not words, Bishop Aleksander" spoke Patrick, with defiance in his tone.
His eyes shone like silver in the gloomy dimness of the wrecked building.

"Are you sure about this, Patrick? They will definitely kill you irregardless. I KNOW these peop-...No, these demons." a hint of worry crept behind the Bishop's weary voice.

Patrick smiled then began to walk off into the darkness.

"Take care of dear Gabriella for me.. I can't let these children remember me as the loser who has always been running away."

"G-Gabriella?" wondered the Bishop, who then turned at the brown haired girl earlier.

A young boy approached the Bishop, he was still half-asleep and yawning all the while rubbing his stomach. "Papa Aleksi, where is brother Patrick going?" He asked with a tone so full of
bliss and without a hint of fear. For a brief moment, Aleksander was left dumbstruck, still clouded with his thoughts but then broke out into a gentle smile as he looked down at the boy playfully
tugging unto his robes.

"God has sent Patrick on an important mission, little John."

"Will it take long? He still didn't keep his promise of playing army with me."

"He'll be back...Now run along, child. Sister Linda has some snacks for you down in the kitchen."

The Bishop once more peered into one of the windows and saw Patrick calmly approaching the heavily armed search team. For moment tension and fear took him by a tight grip, but he clasped
both hands and closed his eyes. Trying to calm his nerves and empty out the growing worry in his mind, he breathed softly.

"My Lord...Please preserve us."

The scouting group was initially taken by surprise by the bold priest's courage to confront them. They couldn't believe that someone could have still survived the bombardment. One of the men
threatened to fire at Patrick as he moved closer and closer. But Patrick had no interest in them. His eyes were dead set on someone else.

In a fearless act of confidence he waved at another man also approaching the group from the blurry mists of the Nomansland.

"Hey, Gunther! It's been a while..." grinned Patrick as he waved with casual gesture at the Das Kreuz Captain.

"Patrick... You fool. You look even more less than a priest now." Gunther's own silver eyes glowed inhumanly like fog lights set against the dark.

"You've changed quite a lot yourself.." snapped back Patrick, with a rather provoking smirk. The air between the two was starting to grow heavier and heavier.

"And just what do you think are you doing? There is no use asking for mercy now... If any of you had a working brain, you should have done it earlier.." Sneered Gunther in his rusty,
metallic voice, as he drew out his Field Mauser Pistol and pointed it at Patrick. He also cocked his head for the others to ready their weapons. The Captain had decided, and it seemed
no amount of history between him and this man could have swayed his views.

"This is perhaps...the only option I could do to help ease your misery." said Gunther, still holding the surprisingly aloof Patrick at gunpoint.

"You can still change, y'know...It's not yet too late. Come'on, we'll kick back the fun into this world. Just like old times, brother!" Persuaded Patrick. He was about close in and place a good
slap on Gunther's back when the awkwardness was cut short by a loud bang.

"I have always hated your guts.." Grimly scorned Gunther, while smoke came puffing out his Mauser. The rapid metallic rattling of the Machinengewehr and powerful automatic
fire of the Blitzkarabineer-16 soon followed as the soldiers peppered Fr. Patrick with a hail of bullets. The latter dropped to the ground in a matter of seconds, limp and motionless. Gunther
moved closer to the unmoving Patrick Silva, and emptied his Mauser cartridge with a few well placed bullets to the target's head.

After a bit of reloading, the group pressed on towards the building the Faithfuls were seeking refuge when suddenly the supposedly-dead Patrick stood up from the ground in a very lax manner.
Stretching up and flexing his arms, he batted an annoyed look at them.

"Nuts...That hurt a hell lot! He complained, completely unfazed from his wounds.

"Kill him...Again" muttered Gunther; he too, sharing the same uncaring attitude as his adversary.

The riflemen began to press their triggers, only to have their weapons shot off their arms. Astonished on what had just happened, they gazed in awe at Patrick Silva's smoking bright-white
hand gun. It was about a foot long, and the shining metal casing, which was adorned along the length of the barrel with various elegant rivets and curving lines, was devoid of cuts and flaws.
It boasted a delicate sense of craftsmanship that was otherworldly. The gun itself seemed to emit a holy, sacred aura. Etched on the silver gun were the words 'Have A Nice Day'.

"Run away now, you oafs. This is between me and this guy." Immediately, as if the gun were enough to convince them, they ran off scared out of their wits back into their flanks.

Gunther spoke nothing, but reached for his silver watch. His glowing white eyes also gave Patrick a sense that he, too, was serious. The Captain took a step forward and his left hand out stretched
into a fist.



Quickly, Patrick ran his finger through the trigger in rapid succession, already placing five bullets at Gunther. Each time his gun fired, it made a sound unheard of any firearm. It made a deep, bellowing
growl similar to the heaving of tectonic plates. Gunther swung his left hand just as fast as Patrick, with his watch also possessing the same silver glow as the latter's weapon. Each of Patrick's bullets
stopped in mid-flight, then began rust away into dust. The gun-slinging priest fired more shots into him, his barrel blazing as he twirled the gun on his hands in with such energy.

Gunther touched his watch then traced a line in the air with his hand. The path materialized into a shimmering crystalline blade, with jagged edges reaching outward. The sword however, unlike
Patrick's, was oozing a scarlet sludge that seemed ethereal in composition. He sprinted forward, covering several meters with a single leap, and slashed across the air, swiftly cutting through bullets
frozen in place with relative ease. Captain Gunther's movements were followed by blurry ripples, and the priest's projectiles seemed to have no effect as long as he was mobile. Quick to draw, he plunged
his pulsing, translucent sword into Patrick but the latter parried it with his own gun, which he followed by a cartwheel kick into Gunther's shriveled face. But his heavy leather boot was likewise blocked by Gunther's right arm.

With a flick of his left wrist, he threw Patrick off balance with his sword and sent his silver firearm flying. However, Patrick managed to kick some dust from the ground at Gunther, momentarily halting his offensive advance, and when his vision returned he found himself facing down the barrel of Patrick's gun. He flexed his sword-arm for a counter-attack, but the other fired first, blowing off Gunther's respirator. The sudden intake of the unfiltered air caused him to fall to the ground in a violent coughing fit.

"You still have time to repent, Gunther...We have met today for a reason." solemnly spoke Patrick. His voice was no longer taunting, but one of deep pity.

The fallen Gunther lashed his face at Patrick, full of disgust and abhorrence. In a complete act of defiance, he spat at the priest, which was immediately followed by a loud bang. Only this time, the bullet
had landed just millimeters away from his disfigured right ear.

"I won't ask again, dear brother" warned Patrick.

Gunther sighed, and then barred a toothy grin. He slowly stood up, still wheezing painfully as the air he inhaled were like daggers to his damaged lungs, but Patrick was still carefully pointing his handgun
at him. Patrick stared at this sad shell that once called himself Fr. Gunther. They had been brothers in faith, but more importantly, they were brothers in blood. He felt every bit of pain that coursed in his brother's veins. He knew he had to. To bring back his brother was his lifetime penance.

In a stunning display, a calmer Gunther smiled back at Patrick and extended his left hand. Patrick, overjoyed by the change of heart he thought was impossible, quickly took his hand. 'Had this been
what God had planned all along
?' Patrick Silva thought.

However, things were not as they seemed.

Patrick soon discovered Gunther's hand held him in a tight grip. Noticing the devious trap, he tried to pull away but his brother's magic had already taken its effect. He forced every ounce of strength in
him to move but his body was frozen in place, locked in zero-time.

Gunther himself wasn't in any good condition. The air was already killing him, something that made everyone else to be fortunate enough to have working lungs. It was only a matter time, but he spoke
once more.

"Bro...ther. This one shot...We won't be so lucky...anymore."

Patrick could only stare down at him, but he could not bring himself to hate him. This was all his doing in the first place. A price he must pay.

"FFEEUUUUUEEEERRR!" The dying Captain gurgled one last command.

An earth shaking boom rang throughout the landscape. There was only one weapon powerful enough to have made that.

The Großmutter Bertha.

It was a mere passing of seconds. The two brothers were locked in a silent standstill, but somehow, Patrick felt comfort. He couldn't change his brother, but at least, just this once he was reconciled
with him. He didn't care if he'd die believing that false lie. He wasn't so sure in the beginning after all.

"Later, Gunther."

Those were his last words. His vision went white just as the artillery shells hit them, covering the area with a massive explosion that utterly crushed everything in the vicinity to the ground into fine

Nothing else remained.


Roughly a few kilometers away from Nomansland, the remaining Faithful managed to escape undetected from the Kanoneschrek's 241st. It wasn't an easy feat moving out a party of
twenty children and seven adults. However, Bishop Aleksander may be old, but he was certainly a capable leader of men.

He knew Father Patrick's dream was a lost cause, but he could only pray for his soul. He was a special human being...In a sense that, he was special supernaturally. He was more than a simple human. He was a gifted Esper adept in the power of the Scriptures as well as a treasured Exorcist. He alone had the strength to fend away both men and demons, and now that he was gone, he feared how long would they sustain themselves in the unforgiving wilderness of this dark world.

While walking, he spotted a young girl walking rather aimlessly along the barren wasteland.

'Gabriela' Aleksander whispered to himself. Just what did Patrick Silva mean by 'protecting Gabriella?', he thought. It seemed there was something special about this girl that only Fr. Patrick


..In this gray Earth of grief, this girl held a small quiet spark in her being. It was an innocent, gentle light.

The old Bishop could only gaze at her in wonder.

"Could He have sent her?" he asked himself; Such were the words that echoed inside his mind that had this lingering sense of hope. "Perhaps" he continued "We may still see a future to wake up to out of this nightmare."


lordkaho -> RE: Sacrificium- The Last Saint (3/11/2013 22:23:16)

Chapter 2- Calming The Storm

It had been a good three hours since the small party of remaining Faithfuls had fled from the Nomansland. It had seemed that the 241st Division had no intention of further scouring the area for possible survivors, as there were no traces of any patrols pursuing after them.

Perhaps the loss of their commander was enough to deter them of their purge, Aleksander thought.

However, he was still grieving over the loss of Father Patrick. Without him, he was very unsure that they would survive any longer out here in the dark wastes. It was only prolonging the inevitable, for this wide stretches of land they were crossing were known as the Death Sectors. They were featureless and gloomy deserts that go on for miles and connected the various Nomanslands that dotted the continent. These barren lands were also home to rabid scavengers that attack passerby and forage around the rare pieces of junk and relics left over from the past era. Besides them, there were still tales of nameless horrors that roam and haunt this desecrated place.

Out of their group, there were only three able men amidst some women and frail, clueless children. One was Klucz Mrozinski, the son of a Deacon who was also a renowned scientist. He was seventeen years old and had quite a passion in engineering and was the go-to man when it came to mechanical stuff. He got separated from his father at sea during the mass migration from mainland Europe. The other two,were cousins Abraham Wallace and Lantz Constantin. Both their families were among the casualties from the bombing raid earlier. They were fortunate enough to have been saved by one of their friends who came to visit them at the derelict shopping center they were taking refuge in. Both boys are agile runners and help the group with most of the load; however Lantz has a slight case of shell-shock trauma from the bombing to which Abraham comforts him.

The dry wind continued to blow westward, drifting away random pieces of tiny debris and thick clouds of dust. The air was starting to get colder marginally with every passing minute; determining the climate had been particularly tricky when no one could make any sense of the stormy blood-red sky. It also didn’t help that they lacked any sort of weather reading devices.

Aleksander was getting worried. If the temperature continued to drop, they would slowly freeze to death and even then, they needed to find shelter fast for should the icy grip of the grim reaper fail to seize them, they would be easy prey to the land’s dark inhabitants. The fact that some of the children were already starting to cry also didn’t help to ease him of his concern.

Bishop Aleksander! Look!” Exclaimed Sister Clarissa as she pointed east. Not sure if an act of grace or random coincidence, but what captivated their gazes was quite an astonishing sight.

Sitting in the middle of an expanse of what looked like a dried seabed was a ship, a cruise liner in particular. It had been completely devoured by rust and corrosion. The ship’s bow had sunk deep enough that the top most parts of the ship seemed relatively easy to access from below the ground. As they quickly ran to investigate, Klucz noticed countless puncture holes along the broadside of the cruise liner. Each of the holes varied from size, some ranging from a few inches to several meters wide.

These are…bullet holes. No, maybe something bigger. Like a cruise missile or something.” He pondered as he slowly slid his hand against the iron sides of the ship.

He then took a few steps backward, raising his head high to catch a full glimpse of the entire sea vessel.

She was attacked on her last cruise…Poor thing. I can’t say how long she has been alone on here, but I bet those krauts did it. Attacking defenseless, fragile machines such as her…How typical of them!” Klucz immediately remembered the dark memory of how he became separated with his father. It was a rather gentle evening, when the SS ‘Pride of Nunez’ had suddenly been struck by torpedoes while crossing the Atlantic sea to North America. The last images he had of his father was him throwing him on the emergency life boat as the burning ship was sinking from the relentless barrage of the Reich's U-Boot ‘wolf packs’.

Aleksander placed a hand on Klucz's shoulder and gave him a deep, remorseful look.

Let’s just pray that the souls of this late vessel have rested in peace.” Spoke Aleksander, and then turned to the crowd; their expressions were one of fatigue, fright and misery. Aleksander knew what they have gone through, but now wasn’t the time to surrender to the world.

I know we are all tired, and fortunately, this ship before us would at least give us some shelter for a few days until we can move on. Hopefully, there would still be some…resources left inside it that we can use.”

In unison, everyone gave a heavy sigh of relief as they finally found a place of solace and comfort from the long desert trek.

They were all relieved that at least...They were safe for now.

Bishop Aleksander gazed up the horizon as he guided the refugess up the ruined ship and saw a massive webs of lighning raging throughout the crimson skies.

"Are we to be tested once more, my God?"


Back at Nomansland-810

Several crunching sounds echoed from a pair of black boots, as a shadowy figure came striding along the vast crystallized soil. He was clad in a deep black uniform, with several leather belts that crossed around his chest down to his waist. His shoulders were also decorated by long gray tassels that were braced by bright, silver epaulettes. The lower part of his battle dress was torn and ripped, somehow indicating his brutal combat service, and his legs were wrapped with gauzes and long bandages. Atop his sleek peaked hat was a silver skull with a Balkan Cross insignia crowned by two stars that signified his rank as Oberstleutnant.

The right half of his face was covered by a plain ceramic mask that lacked any features such as eye or nose slits. With the other side of his face, one could make out a cadaverous visage of a man who had suffered intense third degree burns. Few strands of gray hair dangled down his forehead while his emaciated skin had been terribly seared to the point that his cheek bones were bulging out of the little meat left on his head. What remained of his lips had scrunched in like crumpled paper and his left eye shone like a piece of burning coal.

He gently caressed the bright, brittle sand-turned earth with his wiry finger tips. One by one, he let the grains flow down unto the ground like fine powder with amusement riddled on his half-masked face.

Depleted Apollonium. Never has death been so...glittery.” He lightly chuckled.

But suddenly he heard a weak, pained groan for nearby.

Nngg....nngrrgghhh....nggrrhh...” the voice went.

The Oberstleutnant grinned sadistically at what he saw. Mostly encased in a glass-like form, a man was writhing in agony as his crystallized body parts had been shattered to a bloody mess. He had been glued to the very ground and only his anguishing face was visible. Beside him was what seemed to be the broken remains of the former Artillery Captain.

Regenerators...You’d expect them to be these ubermensche fellows who don’t fear anything. But they have always had it bad. Don’t you think, mein Freund?” He whimsically spoke as he squatted down to meet eye-to-eye with the agonizing soul.

He ran his bony fingers down Patrick’s petrified face to which he suddenly clamped tightly with his whole hand.

I...wonder. Considering you would heal from any wound anyway...Would you still recover if every part of your body is a giant block of glass?” His eye flashed like hellfire, brimming with the most loathsome of thoughts.

Patrick tried to voice a scream until he had heard a loud crashing sound. His still, motionless eyes had only seconds left to see as he had glimpsed of his now detached face so far away from his body.

“...I suppose not.”

With a forceful press of his hand, the face of Patrick Silva was crushed to a bright red pulp then turned to gray ash as the gored remains scattered down from his fingertips.

The man was then approached by another black uniformed officer as he stood up, cleaning himself. He too possessed the skull inscribed within a Balkan Cross symbol, which would only mean they were from the Reich’s ruthless Schwarzstahlgruppe. Called ‘Black Steel’ by many, they are the state’s paramilitary force in charge of ordering the state’s own armed powers for the purges and the cleansing of various suspected sectors.

Oberstleutnant Janos von Schvarlier!... We have arrived too late! Some grunts under Hauptmann Gunther have reported that a party of twenty eight refugees have managed to escape!”

I can see that, Hermut. The others are coming though, be patient. We’ll catch them eventually.” His non-chalant voice seemed to reverberate with a spectral tone.

"But, sir! I beg you reconsider...Those dogs of that damned religion are not to be taken lightly. They have already claimed the life of a Captain-"

"Shut your tongue...Hermutt." The frantic officer suddenly froze in place, as if an invisible grip has taken hold of him. The Oberstleutnant's mask seemed to ripple and twist, with meaty veins bulging from the ceramic surface. His left eye was now a bright haze of blue and orange.

"This is not blitzkrieg, my dear Leutnant Hermut Duhr." Janos added. "Artillerie-Hauptmann Gunther has died on his accord. These miserable 'strays' are nothing but mere toothpicks against the Reich. You have nothing to be alarmed about. This is a command, Leutnant." Janos' eye then returned to its normal fiery glow, and the officer was free of his bind. The latter dropped to his knees, gasping for air and coughing violently as if his lungs were crushed for an instant and reinflated immediately.

Janos turned to his back and faced the rest of the Schwarzstahlgruppe accompanying him as they emerged from the rubbles of the Nomansland; they lined up in a long row, ominously standing from the murky distance. A stench of revulsion and death seemed to surround them as the black ensemble gave a salute with their issued StG-82 assault rifles. If anyone would be held responsible for the Reichsmacht's abhorred and sinister reputation, it would be them. Dressed snappily in quality black, equipped to the teeth with the most sophisticated of wargear, and protected by meticulous engineering upon their inhuman bodies such that they would shrug off most harm, save for the strongest of caliber rounds- The Schwarzstahlgruppe were the definition of elite.

"There's no escaping the Reich, children..."


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