Exploding Penguin -> RE: Critical Deflections (2/27/2013 23:40:08)
To make a point, support was never OP. I'm using merc support right now, and my highest win rate is 70%, if not lower to around 60-65%. Considering that critical deflections happen rarely given the approximate 1/4 chance of deflections and 1/4 chance of crits, AND the fact that my suggestion randomly turns half off crit deflects into critical damage calculated after the deflection, AND the fact that I would still lose in some fights with critical deflections, implementing my suggestion would at best increase my win rate by 5%. Also, if critical damage was calculated after the damage, it would only deal at best another 7-8 more damage than if not. Given the crit cores, there are critical hits happening a lot more often (excluding the fact that there are many support mercs right now who force you to have a 1% crit chance), and I also find this fairly annoying even if I wasn't support. I will agree the crit chance bonus needs nerfing more than anything else, because it freaking DOUBLES base chance. This literally makes all my tank fights with others unfair as 90% of my losses with those are gambled on a crit core on the gun/aux. Overall, I find the addition of all these extra passive cores which are luck-based pretty much messed up, because you gamble your fights on things like crit, stun, deflection, and block chances. Anyways, a modified version of the old suggestion: Critical Deflections are based off of the following: -Severity of deflections are based off of support advantage/disadvantage, and the minimum is 35% damage reduction and maximum would be 65% damage reduction. -Chances that critical hits are calculated AFTER the deflection are based off of technology advantage/disadvantage, and the minimum is 25% and the maximum is 75%. Extra suggestions to be noted when balancing this: -"(insert weapon type" mastery critical chance boost reduced to 2.5% -Deflection shield reduced to 5% (As of a note, to balance out ninja reflexes, ninja reflexes should be reduced to 3%) -Base deflection chance is reduced to 6% -Base block chance is reduced to 4.5% -Max block chance is reduced to 25% -Deflection scaling is 1% per extra 3 points of tech rather than 4 I modified actual deflection and block rates because having equal tech to an opponent and getting deflected 10%/16% of the time is absolutely ridiculous, and there's no way I'm approving of having my win based off of such an unreliable chance. To balance out the deflection changes, I also suggested modifications to blocks. Also, if you didn't know, active cores do not work at the same time as passive cores. Meaning that if I use azrael's will, I don't gain a 4% crit bonus.