Flaming Bouquet Z (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Flaming Bouquet Z (2/27/2013 20:09:01)

Flaming Bouquet Z

Also see: Flaming Bouquet, Flaming Bouquet G, Flaming Bouquet Z

Level: 22
Power Level: 50
Price: 850 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 765 Z-Tokens the first 48 Hrs | 425 Z-Tokens After
Location: MatchMaker

Element: Fire
Type: Melee
Damage: 9 - 25
BTH: 6

Hits: 2
Element: Fire
Type: Ranged
Damage: 331.00% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 215.00% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +21 each
Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks (not weapon specials) take -1 BTH and deal *85/84 damage. (Not Factored In)
  • All normal player attacks and weapon specials deal *0.95 damage. This stacks multiplicatively with the above effect. (Not Factored In)
  • At the end of your turn, if you did at least one normal Player attack or Special, then there is a (22.66*[Hits Connected]/[Hits Made])% chance to inflict Bleed on the Monster, dealing 5-32 damage per turn. Monster categories "undead", "golem", "robot", "ooze", and "xyfrag" have no blood* to this effect. The monster can resist the bleed**. If the monster fails the save roll then Bleed is inflicted***.
    The save roll is as follows:
      Level: 50 vs MonsterLevel
      Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    *This creature has no blood!
    **Your foe's wound was not deep enough to begin bleeding.
    ***The thorns on your bouquet have opened up a bleeding wound!
    ****This enemy is immune to bleeding.

    Roses are red, fire is, too; superheated thorns make foes bleed for you.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description and Image thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf.


  • Special starts out with 662% Base, 662% Rand, and 430% Stats plus 21 BTH.
  • With 2 equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.

  • Bleed Effect:
    • Bleed rate starts out as (22.45 *[Hits Connected]/[Hits Made])%.
    • It gains a compensation of 85/(84*.8+85*.2) = 85/84.2 for a total of (22.45 *(85/84.2) *[Hits Connected]/[Hits Made])% or (22.66*[Hits Connected]/[Hits Made])%.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Flaming Bouquet Z (2/27/2013 20:09:22)

    Flaming Bouquet Z

    Also see: Flaming Bouquet, Flaming Bouquet G, Flaming Bouquet Z

    Level: 100
    Power Level: 110
    Price: 8,150 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 7,335 Z-Tokens the first 48 Hrs | 4,075 Z-Tokens After
    Location: MatchMaker

    Element: Fire
    Type: Melee
    Damage: 13 - 39
    BTH: 14

    Hits: 2
    Element: Fire
    Type: Ranged
    Damage: 626.00% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 413.00% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +46 each
    Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks (not weapon specials) take -1 BTH and deal *85/84 damage. (Not Factored In)
  • All normal player attacks and weapon specials deal *0.95 damage. This stacks multiplicatively with the above effect. (Not Factored In)
  • At the end of your turn, if you did at least one normal Player attack or Special, then there is a (22.66*[Hits Connected]/[Hits Made])% chance to inflict Bleed on the Monster, dealing 14-94 damage per turn. Monster categories "undead", "golem", "robot", "ooze", and "xyfrag" have no blood* to this effect. The monster can resist the bleed**. If the monster fails the save roll then Bleed is inflicted***.
    The save roll is as follows:
      Level: 110 vs MonsterLevel
      Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    *This creature has no blood!
    **Your foe's wound was not deep enough to begin bleeding.
    ***The thorns on your bouquet have opened up a bleeding wound!
    ****This enemy is immune to bleeding.

    Roses are red, fire is, too; superheated thorns make foes bleed for you.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description and Image thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf.


  • Special starts out with 1252% Base, 1252% Rand, and 826% Stats plus 46 BTH.
  • With 2 equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.

  • Bleed Effect:
    • Bleed rate starts out as (22.45 *[Hits Connected]/[Hits Made])%.
    • It gains a compensation of 85/(84*.8+85*.2) = 85/84.2 for a total of (22.45 *(85/84.2) *[Hits Connected]/[Hits Made])% or (22.66*[Hits Connected]/[Hits Made])%.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

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