Merc needs more defence (Full Version)

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santonik -> Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 8:13:52)

Merc has no defence buff at all only bot (rusted and assault) that is too low agains malf/smoke.
Now merc is weakiest tank build. cybers is much better defence than this regular merc. Cybers is malf and tactical can boost them energy defence . But regular merc cannot do anything only attacks.
Hybrid armor is good armor but that need 42 support that taking too much dex/tech out and making them even weakier against debuff. Support build is fast killing all or nothing type build no defence (tank class???).
Mercenary isnot passive heal or energy renegation (only generator) that is all class.
This class need better defencive ablity. And last thing change that passive (andrealine) better % or something new passive. It almoust waste passive skill.
Tell yours opinion !!! ;)

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 9:02:55)

Are you serious? The merc is one of the best classes for tanking.

Merc can do tank/bunker build, support build, strength build, it has a lot of possibilities.

Be a Cyber if it's so much better.

santonik -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 9:32:03)

I knowing those already.But u cannot be tank against malf/smoke that taking much defence out. smoke and you cannot hit (blocks) and taking down physical defence. Malf yours energy defence is MUCH drop and yours bot/bunkkers damage drops dramatically. Bot giving back defence only 65%(almoust stun round when using bot)

Remorse -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 9:54:05)

Mercs lacking defense isn't the problem it's buff builds with OP aggressive core combinations such as azreal will that is OP.

Fix the core, fix those builds and fix this problem all in one hit.

Ranloth -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 10:01:13)

Mercs had problems with defence prior to Omega, unless you were a Varium player and abused Tech (Bunker + SS combo). So the Core isn't to blame nor is the topic being discussed here.

What would be good is swapping Adrenaline out for another passive which would lower the damage by certain % but not too much, for Energy and Physical. Perhaps 1% per level up to 10% when maxed + Dex or Tech requirement. 10% is the total so 5% for Energy damage and 5% for Physical damage would be fair since it's a passive. It's not a lot but if maxed, 5% of enemy's total damage would usually be 3-4 + Hybrid Armor added onto it.
Without EP nor HP regen, it wouldn't be as much of an issue with having a bit stronger defence than other classes may have (in terms of passives). And would somewhat improve their defence which is good.

Remorse -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 10:05:11)

Perhaps they could implement the defensive passive idea I came up with a while ago to replace shadow arts.

It could replace adrenaline but still be called adrenaline.

Basically you reduce a % of damage based on how much hp as a % you are missing.

AKA, The less HP you have more damage you reduce.

santonik -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 10:22:35)

That passive sound intresting.

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 13:18:37)

I actually would like to say, TLM and merc should both get technician..

Trifire -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 20:44:51)

you can tank with mercenary. In fact it is one of the best classes to do it with. You guys have a str nerfing skill, hybrid armour and a str buffing skill. Maybe you guys dont have good builds.

toa187 -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 21:07:45)

i dont think they rely care what we say about the merc but i hope they do :(

toa187 -> RE: Merc needs more defence (2/28/2013 21:09:21)

it is not that easy to tank now you make a tank merc and show me and can work

zzzz.... -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/1/2013 7:50:05)

mercs definitely do not need a defensive buff. they have passive armour and then str buffing skill which has some blood lust as well.

with due respect to person who started this post, Mr. santonik : you seem to be playing as merc and not doing too good i guess , may be that is the reason you have started a few threads to buff mercs etc. seek out some advice in battle strategy section or few good mercs.
you can check the leader board and i'm sure 4-5 out of the 15 will be mercs.

santonik -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/1/2013 10:12:05)

Yes im playng mercenary. And i playing this game when that gammabot coming. Btw im 1 of the list player of that tournament and i dont use high support build. I have normally 5 focus build (tank)
But Malf/smoke taking too much defence out. Yes ik i can make myself exteme tank physikal or energy but i cannot both defences sametime.Tank have normally weak attacks.
(Mercs had problems with defence prior to Omega, unless you were a Varium player and abused Tech)
Im only want more defence option.I dont WANT destroy balance.Mercenary nerf so many ways stregth
(all class) and that is good thing.Bunkkers nerf too (maybe mega high tech build).And now we can use rusted/assault bot to defence (remove only 65% debuff). Hybridarmor need 42 support.That is less about 25 stat to defence or stregth. I want good balance where ALL player is equal ^^
not this class alone.

zzzz.... -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/1/2013 10:48:30)

see the only reason different classes are different so that we can have variety. if each class were to have similar stats and skills whats the point of having different classes. every class serves a different purpose. i dont think every class having same sets of skill will please anyone.

Goony -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/1/2013 22:04:56)

Yes, as a long time mercenary player I agree that there are some real issues with the class when a build other than a quick kill stat abuse build is used!

The lack of a counter to debuffs is a big issue for me and intimidate is not going to significantly reduce the damage being inflicted.

If we look at scaling of debuffs now that stat progression has been modified, then you can see that malfunction and smoke reduce a point of defence or resistance for every 3/4/5 dexterity or resistance removed. Smoke gets a 1% block increase for every 2 dexterity lowered and Malfunction gets a 1% deflect increase for every 3 resistance lowered. These luck factors work both ways and both reduce chance of being blocked or deflected and increase chance to block and deflect! The malfunction and to a lesser extent smoke (since mercenaries don't have a skill that improves with dexterity) can also reduce effectiveness of skills!

Now intimidate will reduce strength by 4.5/6/8 and the ability will only reduce damage by 1, for every stat progression trigger lowered, on the strength part of the damage (approx 25-40% of total damage) , it doesn't reduce melee skill bonuses at all. So as a base amount it is 50% less effective than other debuffs. This is compounded when the skill doesn't reduce any luck factors or skill damage.

I have made a suggestion that intimidate be changed so that it reduces strength, dexterity and technology by approximately 1/3 of the current ingame values and therfore becomes a more balanced skill as it's current format remains basically unchanged since beta even after numerous other changes have been implemented.

One other way to make it more useful would be to change the melee skills damage improver from weapon damage to strength alone, this would also rectify some of the issues associated with classes that abuse, the basically free, points of damage that they gain from using skills that are based on weapon damage improvement.

Just posted this as it is my opinion on Mercenaries and thought it might contribute to the discussion. These suggestions are in no way guaranteed to be implemented by the developers because I am a tester! Would like to hear what others think!

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/1/2013 23:02:07)

I found that, before the tech nerf which was unnecessary and OPed TM beyond reasonable measures, it was very easy to tank with a strong intimidate and decent support to counter crits. I used generator, a lower level heal, low HP, and very strong tech as well as full phys armor. It worked a charm on infernal android and I had very high win rates. It's easily possible to tank, but debuffs can destroy you, thank goodness they nerfed malfunction to match the tech nerf. Intimidate is a good counter against many classes with debuffs, but support TM and CH still remain a humongous problem because intimidate is nearly useless on them. Also, with the increased strength scaling, intimidate became even less useful as it now reduces less overall damage output from the opponent. I'm thinking that changing intimidate to ALSO remove support, but less strength, would be a unique, attracting aspect to merc which would allow not only for defensive measures, but also for creative support builds when the want for increasing crit chance comes.

Goony -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/1/2013 23:40:28)

Hmm, intimidate with support reduction... Support merc - aux, intim (it improves with support ^_^), rage artillary (greater chance to crit since opponents support is lowered), heal or chairmans fury or other unblockable, aux (possibly rage again since opponents support is lowered and gain from fury)

Not sure about that one :/

I was looking to slightly improve chances of luck and partially offset defences removed by debuffs not to create an OP beast that players will complain about :p

NDB -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/2/2013 0:40:03)


One other way to make it more useful would be to change the melee skills damage improver from weapon damage to strength alone, this would also rectify some of the issues associated with classes that abuse, the basically free, points of damage that they gain from using skills that are based on weapon damage improvement.

I made a suggestion before, (possibly, I might not have; I forget) but Melee skill damage needs to be a percentage of the user's actual primary damage (ex. 16-20) instead of the base. Not only would it make it less effective overall, discourage non-strength abusers to use skills such as max massacre/berzerker, etc., but would also help with the problem of Intimidate as addressed above. Whaddaya think?

Goony -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/2/2013 0:50:51)

If you mean a percentage of primary damage being the strength component of the damage then yes, that's exactly what I was suggesting, just worded differently :)

av83r -> RE: Merc needs more defence (3/2/2013 2:07:14)

stop B*TCHING about merc class, merc class is the reason the game has so many problems. I wouldn't even have minded the mage nerf if it wasn't for the merc class. Infact, I SWITCHED to the merc class after the nerf that destroyed mages.

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