Ranloth -> RE: NEW SKILL MERC (2/28/2013 17:23:12)
Lack of defensive capabilities doesn't mean they can get even stronger skill to compensate for it. Skills they own do compensate for it instead; Intimidate lowers damage so effectively it's the same as getting your defence up but with no Rage advantage to the enemy. Also there's a Bot to counter debuffers and your choice to use it or not, Intimidate + Yeti can deal with Str and Support builds if you choose to, Azrael Bot/core can crush through Shields so you can deal more damage if they are shielded, etc. There are options, you choose not to use them together. Amount of skill points needed isn't justifying the power either. You can max any skill but that doesn't mean it has to be very strong (compared to others). This is basically HP version of Reroute and is also a no unless you remove Intimidate or.. Hybrid Armor. Why? HP regen (or EP) + debuff + passive Armor can NOT be together, you may only have two.