Exploding Penguin -> RE: Mercs and Attitude (2/28/2013 22:17:25)
I personally disagree with the common opinion that support merc is OP, and I actually have to agree with them about the fact that BHs are by far one of the currently overpowered classes. BH can gain a very strong win rate within a small amount of turns, although not as small as support merc. I think the major problem with hunters is shadow arts, because blocks play a humongous role given azrael's will, the increased usage of yetis, and the fact that shadow arts is unpredictable and fights are very often gambled on that boosted block chance. I have noticed multiple players when playing as a support merc who do have the bad attitude you mention, and rant about how the build is OP. Funny thing is, I lost to them 2/5 times, so I really don't have any idea on how that can be OP. The thing that differenciates players are the skill level. It's very easy to copy caster builds, support mercs, etc... However, only skilled people can correctly use caster and gain a very high win rate. Unfortunately, whether or not you're skilled and think strategically, a less experienced player can still gain the same win rate you gain when playing a build like support merc. This leads to the arrogant and inaccurate attitude that copying a skilled player's build automatically grants the ability to win majority of a player's fights.